Priority species workshop - Glasdrum Wood NNR

Led by Butterfly Conservation.

Join staff from Butterfly Conservation at Glasdrum Wood on Saturday 18th May to learn about three of the scarce species found here: Pearl Bordered-Fritillary and Chequered Skipper butterflies, and the White-spotted Sable Moth. It is hoped that attendees will go on to take part in surveys for these species in the west of Scotland.

Where: Glasdrum Wood NNR
When: Saturday 18th May, 10am—1pm.
Booking information: This event is free to attend but booking is essential. To book, contact [email protected] or see website below.

This workshop is led by Butterfly Conservation Scotland staff, and is
supported by NatureScot staff who manage Glasdrum Wood. For more information visit Butterfly Conservation - events.

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Our events are free but you can donate to this reserve.

  • Venue information

    West Highlands

    PA38 4BQ


  • Grid reference
  • Grid reference: X
  • Grid reference: Y
  • Directions

    From Oban, head north on the A85. Turn right onto the A828 at Connel and continue to Creagan Bridge. Turn onto the minor road and follow it for 3 kilometres along the north side of the loch to the car park.


    If you are using a sat nav please enter the X and Y coordinates into you sat nav. Please note the postcode is not the exact location for this event.

  • Region
    The Highlands