Gardening for nature in spring, with Marianne Sandison and Fiona Leith
NatureScot colleagues Fiona Leith and Marianne Sandison chat about their personal experiences of making space for nature in their lives. The keen gardeners provide top gardening tips and discuss the healing power of the natural world.
Spring is the perfect time to start the green fingered journey or to refine gardening skills, and they also highlight that even without a garden there's still plenty everyone can do. From volunteering to simply developing a deeper appreciation of nature through our senses, together we can help fight nature loss and climate change.
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Marianne mentions nature relevant accounts she follows on Twitter: @morethanweeds encourages us to embrace weeds and the wilderness, the Dandelion Appreciation Society @DandelionAppre1, and @urbanponds_101 for anyone who likes newts and frogs.
Top ways to Make Space For Nature in spring
Plantlife's No Mow May campaign