NatureScot Research Report 1253 - Overcoming the barriers to participation on NatureScot's National Nature Reserves by disadvantaged communities in central Scotland
National Nature Reserves (NNRs) are at the heart of our work to connect people with nature, yet many of their visitors are from a narrow socio-economic demographic.
As part of Nature Scot's equality commitment to improve access to the outdoors for people who are underrepresented as a result of protected characteristics, this report seeks to identify any barriers to visiting NNRs experienced by these groups.
The report focuses on Tentsmuir NNR and communities in Dundee in order to identify key barriers to engagement with NNRs for four groups: low income communities, Black and Minority Ethnic communities, people with mental health challenges and people with disabilities.
It then makes recommendations to support the Managing Nature Reserves team and NNR staff in making our NNRs more accessible for disadvantaged communities.
Pages: 29
Published: 2020
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