Connecting People and Nature - Corporate plan for 2018 - 2022
View our latest Corporate Plan 2022-2026 - A nature-rich future for all
Connecting People and Nature is NatureScot’s corporate plan for 2018-22
It sets out our vision for Scotland’s nature and landscapes and is built around four interdependent outcomes:
• More people across Scotland are enjoying and benefiting from nature.
• The health and resilience of Scotland’s nature is improved.
• There is more investment in Scotland’s natural capital and its management to improve prosperity and wellbeing.
• We have transformed how we work.
These outcomes depend on one another. The more we are able to demonstrate the ways that people benefit from nature, the more they are likely to call for investment in it across the public and private sectors; the more investment the healthier and more resilient nature will be, and healthier and more resilient nature provides more benefits for more people – and so on. But to do that we need to transform the way we work.
Working in collaboration, and viewing nature as part of wider social and economic challenges and opportunities is central to our approach - for example, in tackling climate change and nature together.
Connecting People and Nature explains how our work helps to meet the current priorities of the Scottish Government. And it reveals the major positive effects that our work has on Scotland’s prosperity and on health and well-being.
Connecting People and Nature sets the strategic context for the more detailed proposals in our business plan.
A’ Ceangal Dhaoine is Nàdar
Tha eaconamaidh fallain an eisimeil air àrainneachd nàdarra a tha fallain. Cuidichidh builean A’ Ceangal Dhaoine is Nàdar gus soirbheachas is slàinte a thoirt am feabhas do dhaoine air feadh na h-Alba.
Pages: 22
Published: 2018
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Disclaimer: Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has changed its name to NatureScot as of the 24th August 2020.
At the time of publishing, this document may still refer to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and include the original branding. It may also contain broken links to the old domain.
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