NatureScot Research Report 1175 - Developing FeAST for mobile marine species
The Feature Activity Sensitivity Tool (FeAST) is a web-based platform which describes the sensitivity of marine species, habitats and other features in Scotland's seas to pressures arising from human activities. The assessments are set out in a consistent style and provide a starting point for understanding potential impacts upon important conservation features and how they might best be managed or avoided.
To date, marine mammals have not been covered by FeAST. This project was commissioned to review how best to determine and then categorise marine mammal sensitivity to the pressures concerned, in a manner that was consistent with the existing FeAST application. And then, building on that, to draft assessments for an initial suite of five mammals, plus basking shark, for subsequent incorporation within the online tool.
The work was supported by, and managed throughout in partnership with, JNCC and Marine Scotland.
Pages: 94
Published: 2020
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