NatureScot Research Report 1160 - NatureScot Earth Science Site Condition Monitoring methodology 1999-2019
This report outlines the approach used in Scotland, by NatureScot, to monitor the condition of over 650 Earth Science features in Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) between 1999 and 2019, and discusses the results and actions taken. All NatureScot's Site Condition Monitoring results are available through SEWeb.
A total of 1243 Earth Science Site Condition Monitoring assessments have been completed since 1999, all of the current 666 Earth Science features in Scotland have been monitored at least once, and the monitoring has produced important and useful data that can be related to individual management units if remedial actions are required. Currently (2019) 98% of Earth Science features are assessed as either Favourable (94%) or Recovering (4%), and the most common pressures on Earth Science features are obscuring by vegetation, or dumped material, and removal of geological specimens including fossils and rock core samples. Since 1999, 3% of Earth Science features have suffered some form of irreversible damage, and 10% have required remedial action to return them to Favourable condition.
Pages: 45
Published: 2019
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