NatureScot Research Report 1021 - Site Condition Monitoring of bottlenose dolphins within the Moray Firth Special Area of Conservation 2014-2016
This report provides an update on the data that have been collected between 2014 and 2016 on the population of bottlenose dolphins that use the Moray Firth Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Since 1989 the bottlenose dolphins which use the SAC have been the focus of an intensive research programme, carried out by the University of Aberdeen in collaboration with the Sea Mammal Research Unit at the University of St Andrews.
In 2004, NatureScot entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Aberdeen to support these studies and use the data to report on the condition of the Moray Firth SAC. This latest report presents the results.
Pages: 40
Published: 2018
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