NatureScot Commissioned Report 571: The extent and condition of non-designated species-rich lowland grasslands in Scotland
A sample of Annex I and BAP Priority lowland grasslands (excluding SSSIs) were mapped in 2010/2011 and assessed for their condition. All sites had originally been surveyed between 1983 and 2001. They were revisited in 2010 and 2011, their NVC communities were mapped and their condition was assessed using a modified form of NatureScot’s Lowland Grassland methodology for Site Condition Monitoring. 16% of the BAP Priority grasslands had been lost since 1983 and only 41% were in favourable condition. These figures are taken to be representative of the status of species-rich lowland grasslands (other than on SSSIs) in the Scottish countryside.
Pages: 148
Published: 2014
NatureScot Commissioned Report 571
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