NatureScot Commissioned Report 353: Nature Based Tourism in the Outer Hebrides
With outstanding wildlife, landscape and opportunities for outdoor activities throughout the year, tourism in the Outer Hebrides is a major part of the islands’ economy.
This report reviews the nature-based assets of the Outer Hebrides and identifies those with the best potential to grow the islands’ economy. The main recommendations are:
• Increase ‘shoulder month’ – or spring and autumn – occupancy rates to the Scottish average.
• Make the VisitHebrides website more user-friendly and outward facing.
• Focus on key natural heritage assets with the most potential to support tourism.
• Promote partnership working among businesses to make the most of opportunities.
Find out how the Outer Hebrides Area Tourism Partnership is working to address the imbalance between peak season visitors and visitors at other times of the year.
Pages: 90
Published: 2010
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