National Park Stakeholder Advisory Group papers and confirmed notes 16 Aug, 2022 National Park Stakeholder Advisory Group papers and confirmed notes. Guidance, Meetings | national parks, restoration
National Parks National Park status helps to safeguard and enhance the special qualities of two areas in Scotland: the Cairngorms, and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs. 12 Apr, 2017
Majority of Scotland’s breeding bird species show population increase Latest statistics report shows Scottish terrestrial breeding birds show an increase. News - 05 February
Scotland's geodiversity charter Dr Colin MacFadyen tells us how the refreshed Geodiversity Charter promotes geodiversity as an integral part of nature and society. Blog - 04 February
Index of Abundance for Scottish terrestrial breeding birds, 1994 to 2023 NatureScot has released the latest figures. News - 05 February
Spotlight on our unique gull species We take a closer look at the five most encountered species. Blog - 31 January
The Flow Country premiere The red carpet will be rolled out across Scotland next week for one of the UK’s wildest living landscapes. News - 23 January
Partans and Other Crabs Roddy Maclean investigates native species of crab as viewed through the eyes of the Gael. Blog - 30 January