Guidance Note - field surveys and monitoring
Guidance Note for field surveys and monitoring where field workers are supported by NatureScot or have licences from NatureScot
This Guidance Note seeks to build on the generally good relations between field workers, land owners and managers. It applies to all field workers carrying out surveys of animals or plants. NatureScot has already issued guidance for all licensed fieldworkers surveying, monitoring or otherwise studying protected species under NatureScot licence (see also our ‘Accompanying Notes’ document for survey and monitoring licences). The note seeks to develop more cordial and trusting relations between fieldworkers, land owners and managers; the SNH Licensing Officer would welcome any comments on its use.
Field workers are kindly asked to observe the following when carrying out field work:
- Monitoring and survey should be carried out in accordance with best practice guidelines and, if carried out under licence, in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of that licence;
- Fieldworkers should seek to foster good relations with owners and/or occupiers of land and/or their agents or employees, and this should be reciprocated;
- Fieldworkers are encouraged, at the start of the field work season to advise estates of their outline plans including where and when they intend to work. They are also encouraged to discuss results of monitoring;
- Fieldworkers should report to the relevant access authority all instances of attempted or actual obstruction of access; and
- Fieldworkers and land managers should report immediately to the Police any known or suspected wildlife crime incidents.