Guidance on Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment
Published: November 2024
The purpose of this Guidance is to bring consistency to the assessment and illustration of effects on the landscape and visual resource from visible aviation lighting located on onshore wind turbines. It is intended to assist developers in bringing clarity to the level of detail and content that is expected in support of planning applications for onshore wind farms, while providing decision makers and consultees with a framework for assessing impacts. The Guidance has been written on the basis of experience gained in Scotland and its application in other parts of the UK may need to be tailored to reflect local circumstances and policies.
Special thanks is given to members of the Aviation Lighting Working Group who have informed the preparation of this Guidance, including representatives of public and private sector organisations.
Executive Summary
1 While the principles set out in this Guidance may apply to other types of development, the relevant regulatory framework applicable to aviation warning lighting on other structures (e.g. such as offshore wind turbines) should be properly considered before this Guidance is used in relation to other forms of development. Assumptions should not be made about the nature and specification of other baseline aviation lighting in the absence of this consideration.
2 The Guidance explains why night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessments are needed and it sets down a three-stage process for evaluating and illustrating the effects (Step 1: Defining the lighting proposal; Step 2: Understanding the baseline; and Step 3: Assessing the effects of the aviation lighting), which is consistent with GLVIA 3. The Guidance is concerned with long term lighting effects, rather than short term effects during construction. Mitigation options can provide significant means of reducing lighting effects at night, and a key aim of the Guidance is to encourage developers to explore the whole suite of mitigation options that is currently available, as well as those that may become commercially available in the future.
3 It is expected that night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessments should form a natural extension to the day-time assessments that are regularly produced in LVIA for onshore wind projects, rather than being an additional task incorporated into the end of the LVIA. However, it is recognised that receptors at night may differ from those during the day. It is important that the scope of the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment is proportionate to the likely effects, and the EIA scoping process should help to guide focused assessments, in agreement with the relevant Determining Authorities and Consultees.
4 The Guidance needs to be applied in conjunction with other guidance currently in use in Scotland, including Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment 3rd Edition (GLVIA3), Notes and Clarifications on Aspects of GLVIA 3 – Technical Guidance Note LITGN-2024-01 and NatureScot’s Visual Representation of Wind Farms, Version 2.2, February 2017, together with any updates to these guidance documents. As with LVIA, the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment should be carried out by suitably trained and experienced landscape, planning or other environmental professional(s).
5 It is evident that the onshore renewables industry is committed to finding a long-term solution to minimising effects arising from visible aviation lighting, potentially through the introduction of ‘transponder-activated lighting’, or other advanced technological solutions. If progress can be made in that direction, the need for this Guidance and the scope of assessment it describes is likely to reduce.
6 This Guidance sets out a process to assess the landscape and visual impacts arising from visible aviation warning lighting on onshore wind turbines. It does not cover the assessment of other potential impacts arising from turbine lighting, such as ecological impacts, which are addressed in NatureScot pre-application guidance for onshore wind farms. In particular, information on the effects of aviation lighting on birds is provided in our guidance note The Effect of Aviation Obstruction Lighting on Birds at Wind Turbines, Communication Towers and Other Structures.
7 It is primarily intended for those carrying out assessments of visible aviation lighting, but should be helpful to others, including consultees and decision makers agreeing the approach and scope of a lighting assessment.
8 The need for visible aviation lighting stems from international and national standards that govern civil aviation. In the UK the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) interprets these international standards and, unless otherwise agreed, requires obstacles including wind turbines at, or above, 150 metres in height to display visible aviation lighting to meet air safety requirements. The standard visible lighting requirement for turbines of 150m or taller is for 2000 candela (cd) medium-intensity steady red aviation warning lights to be fitted at the top of the nacelle/ hub, and additionally, for 32 cd lights to be fitted on the turbine tower at an intermediate level of half the nacelle height. An overview of the International and National Policy Context relating to visible aviation lighting is set out in Appendix 2.
9 Whilst not a new requirement, familiarity of aviation warning lights in the landscape has tended to be confined to other very large vertical infrastructure such as transmitter and telecommunication masts (e.g. Black Hill transmitting station, in North Lanarkshire). Larger turbines of 150m and above, are now more commonly being deployed in Scotland, to reflect technical advancement, market availability and in response to the ambitious Scottish Government targets for onshore wind energy generation set out in the Onshore Wind policy statement 2022. Turbines of less than 150m may also require visible lighting depending on their location and proximity to both civil and military aviation interests. Therefore, a consistent approach to the design and assessment and understanding of potential landscape and visual impacts arising from visible aviation warning lighting will be helpful.
10 An Aviation Lighting Working Group (‘AvLi’) was established by the Scottish Government in Autumn 2021, bringing together individuals with experience in aviation, planning, landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA), and wind energy development. The Group’s key purpose has been to produce practical guidance on aviation lighting assessment for onshore wind energy stakeholders, such as the renewables sector, relevant agencies and local planning authorities.
11 In developing this Guidance, the AvLi has considered a range of relevant matters including the need to understand the night-time baseline, identifying a proportionate approach to assessment, the application of a suite of appropriate mitigation measures, and the production of accompanying materials and representative visualisations.
12 The Guidance only addresses visible aviation lighting requirements, as opposed to infra-red lights, which are not seen by the naked human eye. All references to lighting in the Guidance refer only to visible lighting emissions from aviation lighting sources.
13 The Guidance supports the raft of existing best practice in the assessment of landscape and visual effects from onshore wind turbines, produced by NatureScot and the Landscape Institute. Although this guidance provides some information on producing photomontage visualisations, further detailed advice on the visual representation of aviation lighting may also be produced as part of an update to NatureScot’s existing Visual Representation guidance, or through guidance published by the Landscape Institute.
14 While this Guidance focuses on aviation lighting fitted to onshore wind turbines, it may also provide a useful basis for evaluating effects from aviation lighting fitted to other tall structures, such as telecommunications masts and tall buildings.
15 Please note that an ‘Application Submission Checklist’ is provided in Appendix 1 of this Guidance. The checklist provides a summary of key information requirements and key considerations for those undertaking Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment.
Context to Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment
16 A night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment evaluates the potential impact on the qualities of the landscape (as an environmental resource in its own right), and the views and visual amenity of visual receptors (people) from the introduction of artificial visible aviation warning lighting. Night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessments – for visible aviation lighting – are a relatively new aspect of LVIA within the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. Techniques and approaches are still being refined, as industry, consultants and consultees continue to develop their awareness and understanding.
17 A night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment is not the same as a more technical, and often quantitative, lighting assessment carried out by lighting engineers, lighting specialists or aviation specialists. It will normally be carried out by Chartered Landscape Architects, based on the principles set out within GLVIA3.
18 This type of assessment is different from the assessment of day-time impacts. The receptors to be assessed and their sensitivity to potential lighting impacts cannot necessarily be mapped across from the day-time assessment of a proposed development, but instead may require careful reconsideration to determine how sensitive receptors may be to lighting effects at night. For example, while residents are among the highest sensitivity visual receptors in a day-time assessment, the influence of baseline lighting at home, and in towns and villages, is likely to reduce sensitivity for those same receptors at night. Conversely, people visiting a recognised or designated Dark Sky Park at night are likely to have increased sensitivity as they seek to appreciate the night sky.
19 The significance of any impact at night will depend partly on the receptor and the magnitude of change to that receptor. In relation to visual receptors, sensitivity will be influenced by why and where they are in the landscape at night, as well as the activity being undertaken. For example, activities at night might include star/sky gazing/ photography, dog walking, hill walking, wild camping, adventure sports (mountain biking, running, climbing), fishing and farming/ estate management.
20 Many activities in the rural landscape at night involve some form of personal light for safety, unless the enjoyment of darkness is the basis for the activity, e.g. star gazing, and this will affect how other lights are perceived in the dark, due to the optical process called ‘dark adaptation’. An individual’s eyesight can take time to adjust to darkness, and intensify, especially during dusk. On brighter nights people may however walk without torches and can also often just take time to stand and appreciate the night sky.
21 This Guidance recognises the importance of distinctive landform as a factor in shaping the appearance of important skylines at twilight and dawn. As daylight fades, our perception of key characteristics and features changes, altering the baseline conditions. Some characteristics are weakened by darkness and are ultimately no longer present, as they are less visible, such as evidence of cultural settlement, variations in landcover and habitats, or an appreciation of key vistas. Other perceptual characteristics can however be strengthened, such as the apparent absence of development, or the profile of an important skyline. Whilst lighting itself can in some instances be a key positive characteristic - defining a place at night – a frequently valued characteristic of many parts of the UK, and particularly Scottish countryside, is its dark skies and a general absence of visible lighting.
22 Where special qualities are identified for a designated landscape, there is often limited reference to how the special qualities are experienced at night-time within existing baseline descriptions. For example, while ‘Dark Skies’ is identified as a component of the Visual and Sensory special landscape quality in the Cairngorms National Park, no guidance is provided as to how it is experienced by visitors to the Park at night: “At night, even the complete absence of colour, a pitch black sky bespeckled only with the light of the stars, is a distinctive feature as dark skies become increasingly rare in Britain.”
23 As part of the night-time baseline assessment, the underlying characteristics which are strengthened after dark should be identified and evaluated.
24 As many landscape features become less distinct in low light conditions, at twilight, during the night and at dawn - with only natural ambient lighting from the setting sun, moon and stars - perceptions of darkness and remoteness may become heightened as constituent elements of landscapes, where they are uninterrupted by artificial light. These elements are implicit in the enjoyment and appreciation of many rural settings, where the natural beauty of the night sky is often important.
25 The hours of twilight and darkness vary considerably in Scotland. Daylight is at its longest on 21 June where, for example, on Shetland sunrise occurs at 03:38 and sunset at 22:34, without any full darkness being achieved. In contrast, on the shortest day on 21 December in the Scottish Borders, sunrise is at 08:38 and sunset at 15:47, where darkness may last for approximately 16 hours. Aviation lighting effects can therefore vary with the time of year and geographic location. The image below illustrates these stages of twilight.
26 The principal effect of aviation warning lighting comes from visibility of the aviation light emissions from the nacelle and mid-tower mounted lights. This type of lighting will not cause sky glow, but can contrast with natural darkness, and can draw attention. Aviation lights are generally seen as points of red light, especially where there is a high degree of contrast in the view (i.e. the lights are seen against a dark sky or dark landmass) or where there is little or no existing artificial light source present.
27 Due to the location of the aviation light fitting on the turbine nacelles, relative to the rotating blades, a flashing or flickering effect can be caused by the intermittent screening effect of blades as they travel past the light. At closer range it may also be possible to detect light glancing along the rotor blades through this interaction. These effects are dependent upon the rotation speed of the blades, wind direction (turbines face into the wind), the location of the receptor and prevailing atmospheric conditions. Where a number of lit turbines are present in a view, including other wind farms with visible lights, this effect may appear uncoordinated/ asynchronous.
28 In many circumstances aviation lights can be seen uncharacteristically elevated in views, or within upland areas in the view, compared with the typical experience of artificial lights being situated in more lowland areas or along valley floors. They can be perceived as incongruous when seen as red points with little or no structural or spatial reference.
Perception of Light
29 Different people (visual receptors) perceive and experience light in different ways, particularly at night. The observed illuminance (brightness or brilliance) of lights seen at night is influenced by a range of factors, and therefore observations are rarely experienced consistently. This is an important consideration in any assessment of effects arising from visible aviation lighting.
30 The effects of aviation lighting at night can vary depending on range of factors, which may include:
- the number and perceived intensity of visible aviation lights
- the distance and angle of view to the lights
- the prevailing atmospheric conditions
- the changing illumination that results from the different phases of the moon
- the saturation of darkness and seasonality changes
- the appearance of other baseline lighting in the landscape
31 In perfectly clear weather, with excellent visibility, to a person, the same light located twice the distance away would appear a quarter as bright as the nearer light. Further attenuation of light due to intervening material (e.g. mist, dust, pollen etc.) will make more distant sources of light fainter than this, but as a rule of thumb it is a good first guide. Another way to express this is to say how far away an aviation warning light at 200 cd would be compared to other more common red lights. The simplest of these to envisage in most locales is a car’s rear brake lights since these are similarly red in colour. These vary slightly in intensity but are typically about 80 cd.
32 Therefore, for a brake light to appear to an observer as the same intensity as a 200 cd aviation warning light it would need to be at roughly 0.6 times the distance (this factor is just the square root of the ratio of the two intensities). For example, an aviation warning light seen at 200 cd at 10km would be the same as a car brake light at 6.3km in clear weather. It is worth noting that red lights are not perceived as being as bright as other colours at the same intensity; however, they are among the most noticeable colours, which is why they are commonly used for warning lights. There is not a direct correlation between the brightness of the light and how noticeable it is to people.
Lighting Mitigation
33 The primary objective of aviation warning lighting is to ensure the safety of airspace users at night, and the conspicuity of the lighting required to achieve this threshold of safety means that any mitigation must respect minimum operational parameters to ensure continued air safety and compliance with law. Wind turbines are required to be marked on Visual Flight Rules (VFR) charts so that pilots also have a responsibility to read them and familiarise themselves with the environment, i.e. where obstacles are, before venturing out in their aircraft. The turbine icons on VFR charts clearly indicate where a wind farm is lit or not.
34 Against that background, a range of mitigation measures have been developed, and are continuing to be developed, to minimise the adverse effects of visible aviation lighting. This approach lies at the core of National Planning Policy, good design, development and EIA practice.
35 Expert advice should always be sought from an Aviation specialist when considering mitigation options.
36 Within the UK, the 2017 CAA Policy Statement (Policy 4a-g) provides for the following lighting configuration on wind turbines, at or above 150m in height, which implements the recommendations in ICAO Annex 14 paragraph
a. The person in charge of the wind turbine generator must ensure that it is fitted with a medium intensity (2000 candela) red light positioned as close as practicable to the top of the fixed structure. A second light serving as an alternative should be provided in case of failure of the operating light.
b. The lights required by paragraph (a) must be so fitted to show when displayed in all directions without interruption.
c. Additionally, at least three (to provide 360 degree coverage) low-intensity Type B6 lights (32 candela) lights should be provided at an intermediate level of half the nacelle height.
d. Subject to sub-paragraphs (e) and (f), the person in charge of a wind turbine generator must ensure that any light required to be fitted by this article is displayed.
e. Lights should be operated by an acceptable control device (e.g., photocell, timer, etc.) adjusted so the lights will be turned on whenever illuminance reaching a vertical surface falls below 500 LUX. The control device should turn the lights off when the illuminance rises to a level of 500 LUX or more.
f. In the event of the failure of any light which is required by this policy statement to be displayed, the person in charge of a wind turbine generator must repair or replace the light as soon as practicable. For any outage that is expected to be or is greater than 12 hours, the operator shall request a NOTAM to be issued by informing the NOTAM section (operating 24 hours) of the UK Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) by telephoning +44 (0) 1489 61 2488 / 2489 as soon as possible. This NOTAM is to specifically state (with justification) if the repair/replacement of the light will exceed 72 hours. AIS will copy the details of the NOTAM to the operator and to the CAA.
g. If the horizontal meteorological visibility in all directions from every wind turbine generator in a group is more than 5 km, the intensity for the light positioned as close as practicable to the top of the fixed structure required to be fitted to any generator in the windfarm and displayed may be reduced to not less than 10% of the minimum peak intensity specified for a light of this type.
37 The 2017 CAA policy discusses the ability for automatic dimming of the intensity of the nacelle light to not less than 10% of the minimum peak intensity (if the horizontal meteorological visibility in all directions from every wind turbine in the group is more than 5km). This potentially valuable mitigation option allows for the maximum emitted lighting intensity to be substantially reduced. It should be noted that this form of mitigation is permitted in the UK by the CAA through the 2017 policy statement itself and does not, therefore, require project-specific approval from the CAA.
38 The CAA’s 2017 policy therefore sets out certain standard expectations for lighting design and also offers the possibility of adopting automatic dimming mitigation to reduce lighting intensity. Besides automatic dimming mitigation, however, ‘vertical directional intensity’ lighting and ‘reduced lighting schemes’ have also now evolved to become commonly adopted mitigation measures.
39 The current (and emerging) suite of mitigation measures which can be integrated into the design of wind farm developments in the UK is set out in summary in the box below, with further detail presented in Appendix 3.
40 The current suite of mitigation includes:
- Automatic dimming: Sensor controlled lighting that allows for a reduction in brightness, from 2000 cd to 200 cd, in conditions of good meteorological visibility.
- Vertical directional intensity (narrow vertical beam spread - sometimes called ‘narrow vertical beam spread’ or ‘angle intensity mitigation’): Specification of aviation warning light design that allows for reduction in brightness when viewed from certain elevations above and below the horizontal plane of the nacelle.
- Reduced lighting scheme: This mitigation comprises project-specific agreement from the CAA that only cardinal or specific turbines, rather than all, can be fitted with visible lighting. Such reduced lighting schemes can also include the potential removal of mid-tower low-intensity (32 cd) visible lights.
41 An evolving mitigation measure is:
- Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS): This form of mitigation based on use of aircraft transponders is sometimes referred to as a ‘transponder-activated lighting’ system (or TAL) is an evolving mitigation approach in the UK, although it is widely implemented in Europe. It would mean that visible turbine lights would only illuminate when an aircraft (carrying a transponder) enters an activation airspace “box” i.e. in vertical and lateral proximity to the turbines, in relatively close proximity to the turbines. Such a system would greatly reduce predicted lighting effects because triggering of lights would happen very rarely. ADLS/ TAL has not yet been approved or deployed in the UK, although a trial is currently underway to evaluate its effectiveness. Further details of ADLS is provided in the 7th Edition of CAP764, due for publication in summer 2024. In the meantime, some wind farm developers have signalled openness towards a ‘suitably worded planning condition’ allowing periodic review of the agreed lighting scheme with a view to possibly retrofitting TAL, if approved for use at that stage.
42 These measures are discussed further in Appendix 3 of this guidance.
43 Developers are encouraged to explore opportunities to combine available mitigation into wind farm design to mitigate aviation lighting impacts as far as is reasonably practicable, whilst maintaining a proportionate approach. A combination of different mitigation options may help substantially reduce the likelihood of significant effects, possibly even to the extent that in some situations an assessment of aviation lighting effects may not be required. This mitigation comprises the use of particular aviation lights that have greater control of the light intensity emitted at certain angles above and below the horizontal plane. It should be noted that as long as such lights fulfil the minimum requirements of the ICAO Regulations (discussed later in this guidance) there is no need to seek project-specific approval from CAA for this form of mitigation.
Approach to Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment
44 The objective of a night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment is to provide the decision maker with clear information about the likely significant effects that may arise from visible aviation warning lighting on a proposed wind turbine or wind farm. The scope of the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment should be agreed with the Planning or Consenting Authority (who may consult with others including NatureScot) at the Scoping Stage of a proposed development. The scope of the assessment should be informed by the Application Submission Checklist provided in Appendix 1 of this Guidance. Further consultation may occasionally be necessary during the pre-application process to refine the scope, as the wind farm layout evolves and mitigation measures to reduce the night-time effects (a reduced lighting scheme for example) become clearer.
Night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment as part of the EIAR
45 The night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment forms a part of the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) within an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). It will normally be included within the main LVIA chapter and read alongside the assessment of day-time effects, but it may also be included within a separate appendix.
46 The Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (3rd Edition)(‘GLVIA3’) and the clarifications to it produced by the Landscape Institute in Technical Guidance Note LITGN-2024-01 provide the established approach for LVIA and the principles it endorses are relevant to the assessment of night-time effects. Certain elements of the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment methodology require a different approach to the assessment of day-time effects, such as the identification of susceptibility and value, as components of sensitivity at night-time.
47 The night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment should be supported with an explanation in the methodology which aligns with this Guidance and GLVIA3.
48 The process of mitigating effects from aviation lighting may substantially reduce the potential adverse effects which could arise, and it should be explored from the outset of a project. Developers should seek to obtain necessary approval of proposed lighting mitigation from the CAA, including reduced lighting schemes where feasible, in advance of the application being submitted, so that the EIA can take account of all the mitigation proposed. Where a reduced aviation lighting scheme is proposed, this should ideally be agreed with the CAA before the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment is finalised, so that the assessment is then based on the lowest possible number of lights. Sometimes, however, it may not be possible to obtain the site-specific agreement from CAA prior to submission, in which case the proposed ‘reduced lighting scheme’ can still be considered in the assessment, but it should only be discussed in terms of its potential to further reduce the predicted effects once approved, and appropriately caveated alongside an assessment of the maximum case predicted effects.
49 The night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment can be helpfully informed and illustrated by a range of figures that are familiar to those involved in LVIA for onshore wind energy projects. Appendix 4 in this Guidance provides detail on the specific plans, wireline and photomontage visualisations that should be produced to support the assessment.
Approach to the assessment
50 The process of carrying out assessment of visible aviation lighting can be understood in terms of distinct steps:
- Step 1: Defining the lighting proposal
- Step 2: Understanding the baseline
- Step 3: Assessing the effects of the aviation lighting
51 These steps will not always be carried out in a strictly linear fashion as the lighting scheme (including any proposed mitigation) is often not finalised until close to the submission of the application, and an understanding of the baseline can help inform the proposed mitigation.
Step 1: Defining the lighting proposal
52 The first step is for the assessor to establish the precise nature of the visible aviation lighting that is to be proposed, including any mitigation. This is likely to be an iterative process, requiring consultation with stakeholders and the CAA.
53 The scoping layout for a wind farm proposal, supported by a preliminary hub (nacelle) height Zone of Theoretical Visibility (‘ZTV’) diagram(s) and other relevant information, can enable early evaluation of the potential extent and nature of night-time effects. This can then provide a starting point for defining the lighting scheme and considering potential mitigation.
54 It is recommended that this step should include early discussion with the project aviation consultant to determine the potential for a range of mitigation measures, including the design of a reduced lighting scheme where justified.
55 As set out above, where a reduced aviation lighting scheme is proposed, this should ideally be agreed with the CAA before the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment is finalised so that the assessment is then based on the smallest possible number of lights.
56 In summary, Step 1 will help establish the following information:
Step 1 Outcomes
The proposed design of the visible aviation lighting scheme (i.e. details of the number and intensity of lights), including all mitigation that is proposed to be embedded in the aviation lighting design (including confirmation of necessary CAA approvals required where relevant).
Step 2: Understanding the baseline
57 This step includes the identification of the study area, selection of proposed viewpoints, establishing the baseline lighting environment, identifying the key features / characteristics of the landscape which are sensitive to introduction of lighting, and identifying the sensitivity of people who perceive the landscape at night.
58 Taking account of the proposed lighting design, the study area for the assessment of lighting impacts should reflect the extent of likely significant effects at night. The study area will normally be a smaller area than used in the LVIA day-time assessment. Experience suggests that a study area of between approximately 10km - 20km, depending on the extent of predicted visibility and relevant sensitivities, should be sufficient to ensure significant effects are captured. In some circumstances a larger study area may be appropriate, and the precise requirements should be agreed at scoping stage.
59 Satellite imagery can provide a helpful understanding of existing light conditions across the study area and available sources should be reviewed for useful information that can inform an understanding of baseline conditions at night.
60 A hub height ZTV for those turbines with visible aviation lights will identify the likely geographical extent of theoretical visibility of the medium-intensity aviation lights. If required, a ZTV for mid-tower lights will indicate the same effect for the low-intensity lights. Likewise, where vertical directional intensity (narrow vertical beam spread) mitigation is proposed, an Aviation Lighting Intensity ZTV could also potentially help inform the study area. This provides helpful desk-based analysis to both understand the receptors which could be affected, and to inform the selection of representative night-time viewpoints. It should also be noted that this type of ZTV only provides indication of the candela value (luminous intensity) emitted at specific range of angles from the horizontal and does not represent the illuminance (measured in microlux (µlx)) that may be experienced by receptors at particular locations.
61 As part of the baseline, and to inform both the study area and viewpoint selection, it is necessary to identify and explain aspects of the landscape which increase or decrease its sensitivity to the introduction of visible lighting. Those landscapes that are identified as displaying dark sky qualities will be especially sensitive to the introduction of visible aviation lighting. For example, some parts of Scotland are identified as Dark Sky Parks, where optimum conditions for viewing the night sky can be gained.
62 As with daytime LVIA, baseline information related to landscape character and designated landscapes (where relevant) should be reviewed and, whilst these do not generally highlight aspects of darkness or dark skies, any qualities or characteristics that may be susceptible to lighting should be identified. Further verification of landscape character and any relevant perceptual qualities should form part of the fieldwork validation undertaken.
63 This should include consideration of the following areas to establish whether they have specific qualities that are sensitive to aviation lighting effects:
- National Scenic Areas (NSAs)
- National Parks
- Wild Land Areas (WLAs)
- Dark Sky Parks
- Local or regional landscape designations
64 This process should consider the aviation lighting ZTV, in order to inform relevant representative viewpoint selection.
65 Fieldwork is an essential component of the baseline evaluation. Relevant parts of the study area should be visited to enable a broad understanding of the experience during the transition from twilight into night/hours of darkness. Health and safety should be an important consideration when commissioning or undertaking fieldwork and dusk/dawn photography, particularly from remote viewpoints. This evaluation should be complemented by the day-time evaluation, to gain an appreciation of aspects of the landscape which may become less perceptible or imperceptible, or more perceptible (i.e. the appreciation of dark skies) during hours of darkness. This may note how distinctive landforms and enclosing skylines, which remain perceptible at dusk and during hours of darkness, add to the perception of night-time character. The presence of existing baseline visible lighting (both permanent and temporary) in the landscape should be recorded and described, particularly where it may influence the appreciation of susceptible characteristics and/ or receptors. This may include lighting in towns and villages, as well as along infrastructure corridors, on other wind farms and large vertical infrastructure, and associated with farming or forestry activities and domestic dwellings. The extent to which existing light sources impact on the overall experience of dark skies should be explained.
66 Viewpoints that represent night-time impacts should be discussed and agreed with the relevant planning/ consenting authority (in consultation with others where appropriate) at pre-application stage. Appropriate receptors should be identified, including where recreational facilities are provided to specifically enjoy the night sky (for example in some Dark Sky Parks). Viewpoint locations may need to be refined during the EIA process as the design of the visible aviation lighting scheme evolves. While fieldwork is an essential component of baseline evaluation, due to its time-consuming nature for aviation lighting assessment, and to be proportionate, it is not expected that evening fieldwork will necessarily require to be undertaken at every viewpoint where effects could be significant.
67 Accompanying visualisations to illustrate the types of experience that people using the landscape after dark may perceive will aid the assessor. Whilst an appraisal of all viewpoints where there may be significant effects should be included and can be informed by wireline visualisations, in most instances it is expected two or three representative viewpoints accompanied by photomontage visualisations will adequately represent the key impacts and enable detailed assessment at these locations. Edge of settlement locations (and locations away from settlements altogether) are likely to be better lighting assessment viewpoints, compared with locations within towns/ villages (i.e. given the influence of existing street lighting, etc.).
68 It is important that the baseline description contained in the Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment captures both the baseline at the representative viewpoints and more widely around relevant parts of the study area, so that a comprehensive picture of the landscape at night is recorded.
Judging Night-Time Sensitivity
69 The sensitivity of the baseline environment and receptors, as experienced by people at night, should be established, applying principles set out in GLVIA3 and the LVIA Methodology for the proposed development. The sensitivity of landscapes will vary depending on the susceptibility of their underpinning characteristics. Where an area has been recognised on the basis of its night sky or darkness qualities, such as Dark Sky Parks, susceptibility and value will be elevated.
70 For designated landscapes, which have recognised special qualities, the degree to which the special qualities might be expressed or enhanced after dark should be considered. Susceptibility is judged based on the degree to which they are currently characterised by darkness.
71 The susceptibility of visual receptors also differs at night reflecting the different activities people undertake during the hours of darkness. For example, drivers using roads at night tend to be more focused on the road and the area illuminated by headlights than during the day, and may have oncoming headlights, cats eyes or other reflective signage and dashboard lighting drawing their attention, resulting in lower susceptibility. This is particularly the case on unlit rural roads that may be narrow and winding. On the other hand, people taking part in activities where darkness is essential, such as stargazing, are of higher susceptibility. Viewpoints should be identified which represent these different categories of receptor.
Type and numbers of night-time receptors | Susceptibility to aviation lighting | Notes |
People within lit towns and villages: Potentially many | Low | Lower susceptibility due to existing light sources (street lights, sky glow, property lights etc). Although potentially numerous, it is likely that susceptibility is lower because of reduced susceptibility on account of baseline lighting, and therefore effects from aviation lighting less significant. |
People driving/ travelling through the landscape at night: Some | Low | Lower susceptibility due to existing light sources (dashboards, headlights and torches). Although potentially many of them, it is likely that sensitivity is lower, because of reduced susceptibility on account of the presence of baseline lighting, and therefore effects from aviation lighting less significant. |
People undertaking informal and organised recreation in dark rural areas/ star gazing where the main focus is the landscape/night sky: Few | High | Higher susceptibility, although some will use personal safety lighting depending on the phase of the moon. Balance to be struck between higher sensitivity and the relatively lower numbers of people undertaking formal or informal recreation outdoors at night |
72 Value is judged the same as for the day-time assessment unless specific factors suggest otherwise – for example identification as a Dark Sky Park which would increase value at night; or where factors that contribute to value during daytime are irrelevant or imperceptible at night – which may reduce value at night.
73 In respect of Dark Sky Parks, and Dark Sky Discovery Sites, it would be appropriate to carry out additional evaluation of any promoted dark sky viewing locations that are present within the Dark Sky Park, as defined in supporting publications. These locations are especially sensitive as people are encouraged to use them to appreciate dark skies at night.
74 The baseline section of the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment should demonstrate a sound understanding of the existing context on and around the site at night and identify those receptors that are most sensitive to the introduction of visible aviation lighting. Sensitivity of receptors should be ascribed using the principles of GLVIA3.
75 In summary, Step 2 will help establish the following:
Step 2 Outcomes
Identification and agreement of the study area:
- Selection of the representative viewpoints for night-time photomontage visualisations (normally two or three locations).
- An evaluation of the baseline, including: establishing the baseline lighting environment; identifying key features, characteristics and/or qualities of the landscape that are sensitive to the introduction of aviation lighting; identifying sensitivity of people who perceive the landscape at night and considering this in the context of representative viewpoints.
- Preparation of a baseline description and ascribing sensitivity to relevant receptors.
Step 3: Assessment of night-time effects
76 In Step 3 the magnitude of change (effect) from the visible aviation lights is established so that conclusions around the significance of the lighting effects can be drawn.
77 At this stage the lighting design should be finalised and the assessment should be very clear in setting out the mitigation measures to be adopted. The assessment of effects should include consideration of all embedded mitigation which has been committed to as part of the proposed development. The assessment should present a summary of any consultation with the CAA, e.g. in relation to a ‘reduced lighting scheme’, and a brief explanation of what has been agreed and what may still be pending. If agreement has not been achieved prior to completion of the EIAR, then the maximum case scenario (without a reduced lighting scheme) should be assessed. An optional additional assessment could be included assuming the reduced lighting scheme has been submitted to the CAA for approval.
78 We advise that the assessment should also make clear any assumptions being made, such as only one aviation light being illuminated per nacelle concurrently and an ‘appropriate control device’ being used so that the lights are switched off in the day /at illuminance of 500 LUX or above.
79 The effects on sensitive receptors established in the baseline should be described and evaluated. This should include consideration of the potential impacts on special qualities of designated landscape or wild land qualities of Wild Land Areas. Any impacts on Wild Land Areas at night should be considered as part of the Wild Land Assessment.
80 To provide an accurate basis for assessing lighting, an indication of lighting should be provided on all wireline visualisations, as noted in Appendix 4, including day-time viewpoints.
81 Photomontages should be produced for two or three agreed viewpoints. Night-time photomontage visualisations have limitations (as set out in Appendix 4) in that is not possible to accurately capture light emissions in a photograph, and also because humans perceive light in different ways depending on their individual vision.
82 We advise that, if automatic dimming is not proposed as mitigation, photomontages should provide an impression of the likely intensity of light emissions from 2000 cd intensity aviation lights. However, where dimming is included as embedded mitigation, the photomontage visualisations can illustrate reduced 200 cd intensity aviation lights only rather than 2000 cd intensity. It is recommended that photomontages do not attempt to illustrate the gradual reduction in light intensity over distance, due to the difficulty in accurately illustrating this characteristic. As discussed in Appendix 4 of this Guidance, the assessment should also acknowledge that, when triggered (typically for around 5% to 10% of the time), 2000 cd lights will normally be perceived at less than full intensity, due to less than optimum visibility, and that triggering of the lights to 200 cd will predominate.
83 The magnitude of change should be described for the maximum case scenario (2000 cd, or 200 cd where dimming of aviation lights proposed as embedded mitigation) in respect of each receptor, using similar terms to the methodology applied in the LVIA and should be based on principles of GLVIA3.
84 Vertical directional intensity mitigation could also give rise to reduced lighting intensities depending on the viewpoint location and a ‘lighting intensity ZTV’ could help illustrate this. This Guidance recommends against seeking to portray the resultant light intensity reductions in photomontages, due to the challenge of achieving accurate representation (and committing to a specific bulb type at application stage). Different manufacturer’s light models vary in their intensities at different angles above and below the horizontal plane, so unless the developer is willing to commit to a particular model at application stage (and accept a condition to this effect), the assessment will need to be appropriately cautious about the assumed reductions in brightness.
85 As discussed in Appendix 3, one option is for the assessment to be based on cautious worst-case assumptions over intensity reductions (taking account of the range of ‘directional’ bulb models that might realistically be fitted). The basis of assumed intensity reductions would need to be explained and fitted lights would need to comply with that assessment (or, ideally, do even better at reducing intensity). Alternatively, the assessments could be based on worst case assumptions of 2000 cd (or 200 cd where dimming is proposed), but separately indicate how vertical directional intensity might mitigate effects through an assumed light fitting. If this is the approach, the expectation should still be to include vertical directional intensity mitigation as part of the submitted lighting scheme when seeking to discharge planning conditions.
86 ZTVs presented within the EIA should reflect the mitigation incorporated into the proposed development. These should include a hub height ZTV for those turbines with visible aviation lights and if required, a ZTV illustrating the potential visibility of mid-tower intensity lights may be helpful. Additional ZTVs many include other aspects of the proposed mitigation, as noted in Appendix 4, for example lighting intensity ZTVs.
87 Cumulative ZTVs illustrating aviation lighting may be useful in some circumstances where more than one lit wind farm is likely to affect key receptors. These can be helpful in understanding the combined and individual effects from a number of wind farms with visible aviation lighting. These may include consideration of both existing (operational) and/or proposed (consented/subject to applications) sites with visible lights. Further information in presented in Appendix 4.
Drawing together and concluding on the effects
88 The significance of effects will reflect the degree of change to the prevailing baseline lighting conditions and will involve the application of professional judgement in reaching decisions around the sensitivity of receptors and magnitude of change (effect). Tabular presentation of findings is an acceptable format for the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment, with an emphasis on the narrative to demonstrate that adequate reasoned professional judgement has been demonstrated in the evaluation of effects.
89 The assessment of effects should present commentary on any likely cumulative effects, where similar visible aviation lights are present on other large vertical infrastructure, including other wind farms that are operating, consented or subject to applications within the study area.
90 In summary, Step 3 will establish the following:
Step 3 Outcomes
- Confirmation (and clear listing) of the mitigation that is proposed to be embedded in the lighting scheme.
- Clarity over any case-specific approval that may have been sought from the CAA (e.g. in relation to a ‘reduced lighting scheme’), and whether CAA approval has been provided.
- Confirmation of the lighting / lighting intensity that will be portrayed in night-time photomontages.
- Confirmation of the suite of other supportive figures and visualisation, including annotated wirelines and lighting ZTVs (including possible cumulative ZTVs).
- Taking account of proposed mitigation, an evaluation of the likely significant effects arising from visible aviation lights for receptors identified within the study area.
- Evaluation of likely effects on any special qualities or wild land qualities that may arise at night-time.
- Evaluation of any likely significant cumulative effects arising from visible aviation lighting.
91 The Scottish Government recognises the rapid advancement that has been made in wind turbine efficiency in recent years. This has in part brought the need to accommodate larger wind turbines in the landscape, which in turn require the installation of visible lighting to ensure aviation safety. This change has brought challenges in planning terms and it is clear that Guidance is needed to bring greater consistency to Aviation Lighting Assessments, as part of EIA produced to support onshore wind farm applications.
92 The Guidance sets out a practical and proportionate approach to the assessment of night time effects from visible aviation lighting, that is intended to assist both those professionals undertaking assessments as well as aiding the planning officials, consultees and others who review them.
93 It recommends a three step process to the assessment and provides clear advice on the scope of supporting visualisations and figures (Appendix 1). Above all it encourages a commitment to mitigation measures from developers and designers of lighting schemes, to minimise unwanted light emissions at night.
94 With use of appropriate mitigation measures that are currently available, clear benefits can be secured in the design of lighting schemes, insofar as the reduction in night time impacts is concerned. It is anticipated that with further effort from all concerned, greater progress will be made in the minimisation of lighting at night through use of smart technologies such as ADLS. It is hoped that through further advancement like this, the need for this Guidance will diminish.
Appendix 1: Application Submission Checklist
This Guidance recommends that if an Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment is scoped into an EIA, it should include the following information (and take account of the following considerations):
Lighting Proposals and Mitigation
Information to be provided:
- Plan showing the wind farm layout with numbered turbines and a corresponding schedule of visible lights (both nacelle and mid-tower lights where required).
- Information on proposed visible aviation lighting scheme, including a clear listing of all proposed mitigation measures.
- Information on any project-specific mitigation approvals that have been obtained or are still required from CAA.
- Developers are encouraged to combine available mitigation measures into wind farm design to mitigate the lighting impacts as far as is reasonably practicable, whilst maintaining a proportionate approach.
Night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment
Information to be provided:
- Plan showing the extent of the night time Study Area.
- Assessment of night-time effects for each relevant receptor, in particular where qualities of wildness, darkness, remoteness and lack of man-made elements are features or characteristics of the landscape.
- An appraisal of all viewpoints within the study area should be included where there may be significant effects and can be informed by wireline visualisations.
- Detailed assessment of, in most instances, two or three representative viewpoints accompanied by photomontage visualisations to adequately represent the key impacts.
- Assessment of any likely significant cumulative effects from visible aviation lighting, where appropriate.
- Ensure that both daytime and nighttime assessments are proportionate, appropriate, comprehensive, and transparent.
- A proportionate approach, with a focus on significant effects, is required when scoping the relevant landscape and visual receptors and how they may be affected. It is worth noting that receptors and their sensitivity will not always be the same during the day and night.
- The assessment should take into account the baseline darkness/ artificial lighting characteristics and people’s likely use of different areas during darkness and low light (dusk/ dawn) conditions.
- The extent of the lighting assessment study area for the LVIA should be informed by a hub height ZTV (to indicate the extents of aviation lighting visibility), and an understanding of the nature of the likely effects. Experience suggests a study area of 10km - 20km should be sufficient for the night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment, to ensure significant effects are captured, depending on the sensitivities.
- Viewpoint assessment should provide commentary cross referenced to lighting wirelines and photomontages.
ZTV analysis of lighting
Information to be provided:
- A hub height Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) map which shows the areas from which the nacelle lights are theoretically visible.
- A ZTV or comparative ZTV illustrating low-intensity mid-tower light visibility (e.g. nacelle light visibility vs nacelle and mid-tower height visibility) could be provided where these lights are required.
- If ‘vertical directional intensity lighting mitigation’ is proposed, then the preparation of a lighting intensity ZTV can help to indicate where this mitigation may be effective and the different lighting intensities which may be experienced at different elevations relative to the lights.
- Cumulative ZTVs may be useful in circumstances where more than one lit wind farm could affect key receptors.
- Any assumptions concerning the aviation light specification used to inform lighting intensity ZTVs should be provided, and assessors should take appropriate care not to over-estimate predicted reductions given that parameters can vary between different aviation lights and noting that it is unlikely that a particular aviation light model can be committed to with certainty at application stage.
Wireline visualisations
Information to be provided:
- Identification of turbine lighting on wireline visualisations. The turbine lighting may either be marked at the appropriate positions on the wirelines or provided as a separate note at the foot of the wirelines. This should apply to all the LVIA 53.5° (degree) wirelines (i.e. indication of visible lighting should not just be shown for the night-time photomontages).
Photomontage visualisations
Information to be provided:
- Night-time photomontage visualisations from a proportionate number of representative viewpoints (two or three should be appropriate for most projects), selected based on sensitivity of potential receptors and frequency of visitors at night or dusk/dawn, and to be agreed with the Planning Authority (in consultation with NatureScot where appropriate).
- Photomontage visualisations should illustrate the maximum case lighting intensity scenario (e.g. 200 cd where dimming of aviation lights proposed as embedded mitigation, and 2000 cd only where this mitigation is not proposed)
- Whilst it is expected that two or three representative viewpoints will require a photomontage visualisation, an appraisal of all viewpoints where there may be significant effects should be included.
- In some cases, there may be the need to select night-time assessment viewpoints based on the turbine lighting impacts as opposed to the day-time visual effects, therefore the viewpoints may vary from the suite of day-time assessment viewpoints. Edge of settlement locations are likely to be better lighting assessment viewpoints, compared with locations within towns/ villages (given the influence of existing street lighting, etc.).
- Health and safety concerns exist over taking dusk/dawn photography, and associated assessment fieldwork from remote viewpoints. This should be a key consideration for all involved in agreeing the scope and undertaking aviation lighting photography/ assessment. In some cases, a more accessible proxy viewpoint may be the proportionate, alternative safe location to capture viewpoint photography at dusk/night. Moreover, sometimes the approach route to and from a remote hill summit is where receptors will experience a total absence of existing visible lights, and may be more representative than the hill summit /ridge (where receptors are perhaps less likely to camp).
- This Guidance advises against use of manipulated day-time photography due to the risk of misrepresenting the baseline (photographs should capture the baseline situation, i.e. any other lights in the view), however, there may be instances where the approach could be used for remote locations where it can be verified that no other sources of artificial light are present in the baseline.
Appendix 2: Aviation Lighting Policy Context
1 This appendix sets out the key International and National Policy Context relating to visible aviation lighting. It does not seek to duplicate the details of key policy documents but provides a summary of relevant policy provisions.
The International Civil Aviation Organisation
2 The requirement to install aviation lighting on turbines is set at the international level by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (‘ICAO’), an agency of the United Nations set up to manage the Convention on International Civil Aviation, also known as the Chicago Convention.
3 ICAO created a set of Standards and Recommended Practices to ensure consistency of air operations across ICAO Member States. ICAO Standards are necessary for safety or regularity or air navigation, whilst Recommended Practices are desirable, but not compulsory.
4 The United Kingdom is a Contracting State to the Convention and is obliged to comply with ICAO Standards. Where that is not possible, they must file a “Difference” with ICAO. All Standards and Recommended Practices on the marking and lighting of obstacles are implemented in full in the UK.
5 Chapter 6 of Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation contains the ICAO set of internationally agreed Standards and Recommended Practices relating to the marking and lighting of obstacles, including wind turbines.
6 The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) offers a subset of the array of ICAO options for aviation lighting on wind turbines in its publication ‘IEC Wind energy generation systems - Part 29: Marking and lighting of wind turbines’ and provides a useful insight to the international context to aviation lighting for turbines.
United Kingdom Air Law
7 Within the UK, The Air Navigation Order 2016 (‘ANO’), Article 222 and CAA publication CAP 764: “Policy and Guidelines on Wind Turbines” set out a legal requirement reflecting ICAO’s Recommendations on the lighting of obstacles of 150m or more.
8 Article 222(8) defines an “en route obstacle” as “any building, structure or erection, the height of which is 150 metres or more above ground level”.
9 Article 222(1) requires that “The person in charge of an en route obstacle must ensure that it is fitted with medium-intensity steady red lights positioned as close as possible to the top of the obstacle and at intermediate levels spaced so far as practicable equally between the top lights and ground level with an interval of not more than 52 metres.”
10 The “medium-intensity steady red lights” referred to in ANO Article 222 are defined in Table 6-1 of ICAO Annex 14 as a Medium-intensity Type C light, with a peak intensity of 2000 cd at night.
11 The specifications for the vertical beam spread of Medium-intensity Type C lights are set out in Table 6-3 of ICAO Annex 14, reproduced below, and illustrated as Diagram 1 in Appendix 3 of this Guidance. In relation to the minimum requirements, ICAO provides that the Medium-intensity Type C light must have an average minimum intensity of 2000 cd at 0° elevation (i.e. horizontal), and 750 cd at -1° elevation. In addition, the light must have an intensity of at least 750 cd throughout a contiguous elevation sector – the “Vertical beam spread” - of at least 3°. These provisions are designed to provide warning to pilots who may be flying at low levels, and to avoid spurious warnings to pilots flying at safe levels above the obstacle.
Benchmark intensity | Vertical elevation angle (b) 0 degrees Minimum average intensity (a) | Vertical elevation angle (b) 0 degrees Minimum intensity (a) | Vertical elevation angle (b) -1 degrees Minimum intensity (a) | Vertical beam spread (c) Minimum beam spread | Vertical beam spread (c) Intensity (a) |
200 000 | 200 000 | 150 000 | 75 000 | 3 degrees | 75 000 |
100 000 | 100 000 | 75 000 | 37 500 | 3 degrees | 37 500 |
20 000 | 20 000 | 15 000 | 7 500 | 3 degrees | 7 500 |
2 000 | 2 000 | 1 500 | 750 | 3 degrees | 750 |
Vertical elevation angle (b) 0 degrees Maximum average intensity (a) | Vertical elevation angle (b) -1 degrees Maximum intensity (a) | Vertical elevation angle (b) -10 degrees Maximum intensity (a) | Vertical beam spread (c) Maximum beam spread | Vertical beam spread (c) Intensity (a) |
250 000 | 112 500 | 7 500 | 7 degrees | 75 000 |
125 000 | 56 250 | 3 750 | 7 degrees | 37 500 |
25 000 | 11 250 | 750 | N/A | N/A |
2 500 | 1 125 | 75 | N/A | N/A |
12 There are no requirements for any specified minimum or maximum light intensity at elevation angles lower than -1°, or above +2°. It is therefore open to lighting manufacturers to design lights that have intensities as close as possible to zero at angles of elevation lower than -1°, and above +2°. This is an important consideration in relation to the mitigation of unnecessary light emissions, that is discussed further under the mitigation section of this Guidance.
13 Article 222(2) and (3) specifies when the lights must be illuminated:
- “(2) The person in charge of an en-route obstacle must, subject to paragraph (3), ensure that by night the lights required to be fitted by this article are displayed.
- (3) In the event of the failure of any light which is required by this article to be displayed by night the person in charge must repair or replace the light as soon as reasonably practicable.”
14 Schedule 1 of the ANO also provides the following definition of night:
“Night” means the time from half an hour after sunset until half an hour before sunrise (both times inclusive), sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level. The operation of lighting may be managed by a control device, for example a photocell which switches the lights on when illuminance falls below 500 LUX, or a timer which switches the lights on at the start of official night and off at the end of official night.
requirements set out within the Article. It is this section that provides the legal basis for the CAA to produce general policies allowing particular lighting configurations, and also allows them to approve site specific reduced lighting schemes.
16 Article 222(7) confirms that “This article does not apply to any en-route obstacle for which the CAA has granted a permission to the person in charge permitting that person not to fit and display lights in accordance with this article”.
17 Article 222(6) states that “A permission may be granted for the purposes of this article for a particular case or class of cases or generally”.
18 In summary, the UK goes further than ICAO Annex 14 in that the provision for lighting of obstacles 150m or more in height is established in law rather than as policy or guidance. However, the law also makes provision for the Civil Aviation Authority (‘CAA’) to grant exemptions from the lighting requirements.
UK Policy and Guidance
19 In 2017, the CAA produced Policy Statement DAP124 “Lighting of Onshore Wind Turbine Generators in the United Kingdom with a maximum blade tip height at or in excess of 150m Above Ground Level”. This Policy Statement confirms the position in relation to lighting of onshore wind turbines in the UK, taking into account the statutory requirements set out in Article 222 of the ANO.
20 The Policy Statement confirms that the CAA considers that the ANO requirement to fit an obstacle light “as close as possible to the top of the obstacle” reflects the fitting of lights on the top of the nacelle, rather than the blade tips. It also confirms the requirement for at least three low-intensity Type B lights (32 cd) tower lights, which should be provided at an intermediate level of half the nacelle height.
21 The Policy Statement provides for the following lighting configuration on wind turbines, which implements most of the recommendations in ICAO Annex 14 paragraph
- a 2000 cd steady red light on top of the nacelle of each turbine
- a second light serving as an alternative in case of failure of the operating light
- at least three 32 cd steady red lights (to provide 360° horizontal coverage) positioned on the turbine tower at half the nacelle height
- lights should be operated by an acceptable control device, such as a photocell, adjusted so that the lights will be turned on when illuminance falls below 500 LUX, and so that they will turned off when the illuminance rises to a level of 500 LUX or more, or a timer which switches the lights on at the start of official night and off at the end of official night
- failed lights are to be repaired or replaced as soon as practicable; if outages exceed 12 hours, a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) is to be issued
- the 2000 cd lights may be dimmed to 10% of the minimum peak intensity when horizontal meteorological visibility exceeds 5km from the wind turbines
22 The second light provided on the turbine nacelle serves as an alternative in case of failure of the operating light. It is not necessary, nor desirable, to light both concurrently. It should be noted that no additional project-specific permission is required from the CAA to illuminate just one of the nacelle lights.
23 The ability in the UK to dim the intensity of the nacelle light to not less than 10% of the minimum peak intensity (if the horizontal meteorological visibility in all directions from every wind turbine generator in the group is more than 5km) offers valuable potential mitigation of the light intensity. This form of mitigation is permitted by the CAA through its 2017 policy statement and does not therefore require project-specific approval. This is discussed further in the mitigation section below.
24 CAP 764: “Policy and Guidelines on Wind Turbines” provides an overview of CAA policy and guidance to assist with understanding of some of the key issues to maintain aviation safety and efficiency with relevance to wind energy development. In 2024 the CAA undertook consultation on Edition 7 of the policy and guidelines, with new chapters on specific topics including aviation lighting and ADLS.
Appendix 3: Mitigation Options
1. This appendix provides technical detail on the options to mitigate night-time effects from visible aviation lighting.
Current Mitigation Measures
Automatic Dimming of light intensity
2 The CAA’s Policy Statement permits automatic dimming of aviation lights from 2000 cd to one tenth of their minimum peak intensity, 200 cd, when the meteorological visibility is ‘good’ around the wind farm and measured as exceeding 5km. This mitigation can be very effective at ensuring that the aviation lights are only as noticeable as is required to maintain air safety. When dimming mitigation is applied, operation of the lights at 2000 cd intensity would only be triggered when any sensor at the wind farm (located on each of the lit turbines) measures sub-optimal visibility, whereas, in clear conditions, the lights should operate at a reduced intensity of approximately 200 cd. The dimming applies to all nacelle lights on a given wind farm, therefore all receptors would experience this reduction in intensity.
3 The images below illustrate a light manufactured by CEL (Contarnex Europe Ltd. (CEL) - CEL-Ml-ACWGAM Medium-intensity Red 2000cd Light. 230VAC - LED Aircraft Warning Light Technical specification) operating at 2000 cd and 200 cd respectively.
4 The dimming to 10% of minimum peak intensity applies to all elevation angles of light. Visibility is defined in this case by the measurements made by an automated ‘forward-scatter’ sensor, which projects an infra-red beam. The sensor's receiver measures the light scattered by moisture particles in the air and calculates the visibility range from that. The transmitter and receiver are less than a metre apart, normally located on the turbine nacelle, and are therefore measuring / calculating visibility at that wind turbine/sensor.
5 The scenario of a sensor measuring ‘poor’ visibility way beyond the wind farm, when the lights themselves are in clear sky, cannot therefore arise. The measurement is entirely local to the site of the sensor. One visibility sensor is sufficient to control the dimming for the entire wind farm, although for an exceptionally large wind farm, there may be several sensors positioned around its periphery. If one sensor identifies poor visibility it will switch all of the lighting to a poor visibility (2000 cd) setting.
6 Modelling has predicted that, at the visibility threshold where the switchover occurs, and assuming uniform surrounding visibility, a 2000 cd light (in those poor visibility conditions), would be perceived as less bright than a 200 cd light (in good visibility) at the point where an observer reaches approximately 5km away from the source. If visibility conditions are poorer than the threshold at which the switchover occurs, then you would need to be closer than 5km from the source for the same to be true. Therefore, 2000 cd lights would normally only be seen near to their fullest intensity in closer views (i.e. somewhat less than 5km), or perhaps due to a local patch of poor visibility (e.g. localised mist or rain) at the sensor. If the sensor detects poor visibility, then all the nacelle lights will switch to 2000 cd even if, for example, there are better weather conditions at a more distant periphery of a large farm.
7 In infrequent circumstances nacelle lights may still be perceived at close to 2000 candela intensity, even where automatic dimming mitigation is included. As noted, this may occur where, for example, the viewer is close to the turbine light during poor weather, or where patchy cloud on the far side of a wind farm results in 2000 candela intensity lighting remaining at full intensity and visible from the near side. However, when there is good visibility, 200 candela intensity will normally be triggered (if dimming mitigation is employed) and it is therefore considered reasonable to assess and portray this intensity of lighting when considering the maximum case effect (also noting that baseline photomontage images are captured during good visibility conditions).
8 The assessment should also acknowledge that, when triggered, 2000 cd lights will normally be perceived at less than full brightness, and that triggering of the lights to 200 cd will predominate. In terms of the frequency of dimming to 200 cd, submitted lighting studies suggest that nacelle lights will typically sit above the cloud base on several hundred occasions per month but that, when not in cloud, dimming mitigation will typically be triggered for around 90% to 95% of the time (but can vary depending on site specific circumstances).
9 In reality, 2000 cd branded lights are actually brighter in the middle of the beam (at +1 degree) than 2000 cd, as it is difficult to meet the average intensity requirement without exceeding it at some point in the beam spread. A modern light may for example be 2500 cd in the centre of the beam, and some older lights may be even brighter. For the sake of relative simplicity, however, and noting that there is also a degree of inaccuracy inherent when illustrating lighting, ‘2000 cd’ is referred to as the worst case (or 200 cd where dimming is proposed).
Vertical directional intensity
10 Vertical directional intensity mitigation (sometimes called ‘narrow vertical beam spread’ or ‘angle intensity mitigation’), comprises the use of an aviation light design that allows for reduction in brightness when viewed from certain elevations above and below the horizontal plane. If the proposed vertical directional intensity lights fulfil the minimum requirements of the ICAO Regulations at Annex 14, Table 6-3 then there is no need for developers to seek project-specific approval from CAA for this form of mitigation.
11 Aviation lighting on wind turbines is required to operate at the minimum intensities defined in ICAO, across a relatively narrow (3°) vertical beam spread, projecting horizontally from the nacelle light, between -1° to +2°, as explained in ICAO Table 6-3 included in Appendix 2 and illustrated in Figure 4 below.
12 Beyond these parameters there is no requirement for light to be seen. Some manufacturers in the UK lighting industry are attempting to achieve a position whereby extraneous light is minimised or curtailed through the design of modern LED fittings, although at present none have been able to design a light that fully cuts out light emissions above +2° and below -1° vertical elevation. Instead, lighting design companies are endeavouring to refine LED lights to minimise the intensity of extraneous light above and below the minimum requirements.
13 Vertical directional intensity mitigation comprises the use of aviation lights that are designed to operate close to the minimum required intensities (as discussed above). For these types of aviation light, with more sophisticated bulbs, minimisation of extraneous light is included as an integral part of the design of the aviation light and the actual emissions vary (above the minimum requirements) with different manufacturer’s specifications of lights. Not all aviation lights include this mitigation and few, if any are in operation to date (2024) on wind turbines in Scotland. For lights where this mitigation is included, some, but not all manufacturers will provide a data sheet with the performance parameters of their light demonstrating the narrowed vertical beam spread. The CAA has confirmed that a physical cap on the top and/or bottom of the light to guarantee this mitigation would not be acceptable. However, as discussed above, as long the aviation light design complies with the ICAO minimum intensity standards (discussed above), they require no additional agreement from the CAA.
14 Vertical directional intensity mitigation could be considered when determining the worst-case brightness that will be seen from particular viewpoints, and a ‘lighting intensity ZTV’ could help illustrate this. However, any assessment would need to be appropriately cautious about the assumed reductions in brightness. Unless developers are willing to commit to a particular light model and specification at application stage and are willing to accept a planning condition to that effect, assessments should be cautious about relying on specific intensity parameters experienced at different angles of elevation, that may not be capable of being secured at time of installation.
15 One option is for the assessment to be based on a cautious worst-case (i.e. least-best) assumption over intensity reductions (taking account of the range of ‘directional’ aviation light models that might realistically be fitted). If the assessment adopts this approach, the basis of assumed intensity reductions should be explained, and there should be a willingness to accept a planning condition that commits to fitting ‘vertical directional intensity’ lights that comply with that assessment (or, ideally, that do even better at reducing intensity).
16 Alternatively, the assessments could be based on worst case assumptions of 2000 cd (or 200 cd where dimming is proposed), but separately indicate how vertical directional intensity might mitigate effects through an assumed light fitting. If this is the case, the general expectation should still be to include vertical directional intensity mitigation as part of the submitted lighting scheme when seeking to discharge planning conditions.
17 ‘Vertical directional intensity’ lighting can be an effective form of mitigation, especially for those receptors located at lower elevations relative to the turbine nacelles, but can be less effective for elevated or more distant receptors from where greater intensities may be seen. A lighting intensity ZTV can be helpful to illustrate the potential mitigation from an assumed light fitting, to demonstrate how light emissions experienced by particular receptors may reduce relative to the lighting source.
18 This Guidance recommends against seeking to portray the resultant light intensity reductions in photomontages due to the challenge of achieving accurate representation (and committing to a specific bulb type at application stage).
19 The specifications for the vertical beam spread of Medium-intensity Type C lights are set out in Table 6-3 of ICAO Annex 14, reproduced in Appendix 2.
20 It can be seen from the table that there are no requirements for any specified minimum or maximum light intensity at elevation angles lower than -1°. It is therefore open to lighting manufacturers to design lights that have intensities as close as possible to zero at angles of elevation lower than -1°. This is an important consideration in relation to the mitigation of unnecessary light emissions.
21 In reality, aviation light manufacturers have not been able to design a lamp that is precisely confined to such a narrow beam width, although state of the art light fittings are getting much better at eliminating unnecessary light emissions below -1° and above +2°. The photograph below illustrates an aviation light fitting lying flat on a table, projecting a narrow beam of light onto the ceiling. It would normally be positioned upright on a turbine nacelle (projecting horizontally) but shows how light can be controlled within tight parameters.
22 In practice, even the best lamps that are currently available cannot eliminate all unwanted light, but the perceived intensities outside the 3° band are capable of being substantially reduced through careful choice of light technology. Alongside the use of a dimming function as described above, it is now possible to achieve light emissions of a much lower intensity, especially at negative angles which are important in terms of how people positioned below wind turbine nacelles may perceive the light.
23 The table below presents an indication of how light emissions can be substantially reduced through modern technology and illustrates the results for both 2000 and 200 cd operation, for one manufacturer’s light fitting.
Vertical Angle | Turbine Lighting Intensity 2000cd light | Turbine Lighting Intensity 200cd light |
0 degrees to 3 degrees | 2200/2500cd | 220/250cd |
0 degrees to -1 degrees | 2200 to 980cd | 220 to 98cd |
-1 degrees to -2 degrees | 980 to 420cd | 98 to 42cd |
-2 degrees to -3 degrees | 420 to 220cd | 42 to 22cd |
-3 degrees to -4 degrees | 220 to 170cd | 22 to 17cd |
Below -4 degrees | Below 170cd | Below 17cd |
Reduced Lighting Scheme
24 The Air Navigation Order (‘ANO’) makes provision for lighting other than in accordance with international recommendations. Derogations for reduced lighting schemes can be made on the basis of an application to CAA supported by a ‘special aeronautical study’. This study is generally carried out by a specialist aviation consultant. The study involves the identification of airspace users specific to the local area, and consults with them on how they operate within the airspace and on their views on a proposed reduced lighting scheme. This consultation allows pilots using the airspace to provide feedback on the proposed scheme, and to request the inclusion of any specific measures that will benefit them, such as infrared lighting.
25 The reduced lighting scheme is designed specifically for each proposed wind farm and can offer valuable mitigation of lighting effects.
26 Depending on circumstances, a reduced lighting scheme can propose that some or all of the lights are replaced with infra-red, rather than visible lights. Mid-tower lights can be replaced with infra-red or removed altogether. which is beneficial in that commercially available ‘32 cd lights’ will often exceed 32 cd in reality (up to 70 cd between -30deg and +40deg) and this means they may actually appear brighter than well-designed nacelle lights which incorporate ‘vertical directional intensity mitigation’ (discussed above).
27 It may also be possible in some exceptional cases for the requirement for any visible aviation lighting to be avoided, subject to site specific conditions and informed by an Aeronautical Study, as was the case at the consented Bhlaraidh Extension Wind Farm.
28 Where wind farms are expanded through extensions, it can offer an opportunity to rationalise lighting across a number of different turbine clusters to mitigate the incremental effects from multiple lighting schemes. However, the potential timing of operation and decommissioning of individual schemes within a cluster may need to be considered to ensure adequate lighting provision at different stages. For those projects which are larger in scale or part of larger clusters, a reduced lighting scheme has the potential to significantly reduce the impacts of the required lighting. Therefore, consideration of this should occur during the design phase of the project, to build in mitigation at the earliest opportunity.
29 Given the reduced lighting scheme is based on a specific proposal (fixed layout) and the level of resource involved in engaging in consultations for both stakeholders and the CAA, a reduced lighting scheme can take time to agree. Therefore, engagement on this issue should be undertaken at an early stage in the EIA process, noting that formal agreement with the CAA cannot helpfully take place until a fixed wind turbine layout has been achieved. If agreement has not been achieved prior to completion of the EIAR, then the worst case scenario (without a reduced lighting scheme) should be assessed. An optional additional assessment could be included assuming the reduced lighting scheme has been submitted to the CAA for approval.
30 The results of the special aeronautical study and the proposed reduced lighting scheme are then submitted to the CAA for their review and feedback. This feedback may result in further consultation with specific aviation stakeholders to allay any concerns raised by the CAA, or with the scheme being approved or rejected.
Emerging Mitigation Measures
Aircraft detection lighting systems (ADLS)
31 Two types of aircraft detection lighting systems have been considered by the renewables industry in recent years, and these are based around primary and secondary radar. This is the fastest evolving area of potential mitigation of night-time lighting effects.
32 Primary surveillance radar systems transmit pulses of radio energy and detect the reflected energy from any object picked up by the transmissions. This type of system does not require any technology installed in the aircraft. Investigations into primary radar systems within wind farms has generally found it to be a very expensive and technically limited solution, which has not gained support widely in the industry.
33 Secondary surveillance radar systems require the installation of transponders within aircraft. The pulses transmitted by the secondary system are received by the transponder in the aircraft which responds and the sensor in the wind farm detects the approaching aircraft. The sensor system communicates with the lighting system, and lights are switched on / off depending on the aircraft’s location and proximity to the wind farm. The lighting system would respond by only switching on the visible aviation lighting when an aircraft enters a specified airspace ‘box’ around the wind farm. This solution is less expensive than primary radar, but for this to occur across the UK as a whole would rely on a change in UK Air Law to require mandatory carriage of transponders on all civil aviation aircraft.
34 Other technical means of delivering ADLS are currently being explored for their potential in meeting the requirements. Recently, discussion has focused on Transponder Activated Lighting (‘TAL’) solutions, which are widely in use in other parts of Europe. ScottishPower Renewables is currently (June 2024) exploring with the CAA the potential to authorise a localised ‘airspace change’ to create a Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) across a small part of southwest Scotland. This trial is progressing in 2024 with a view to testing and developing a safety case for TMZ and TAL. It is hoped that this trial will help to inform the implementation of an effective TMZ and TAL strategy in the UK.
35 Data for this type of proximity activated lighting systems at operational wind farms in Germany and Austria suggests that, where these are not located close to airfields and low flying routes that are routinely used at night, activation times for lights will be between zero and 0.1% of night-time. Activation can atypically be higher (up to c.7%), where the wind farm is located close to airfields and low flying routes routinely used at night. Therefore, in most circumstances, a TAL system could represent an extremely effective form of lighting mitigation and could mean that a night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment of visible lighting can be scoped out of EIA. While TAL offers tangible hope of a solution to addressing significant effects from visible aviation lighting it will be for developers and consultees to review its deployment when it becomes a viable option in the UK. Its use may not be justified or necessary on all wind farm sites.
36 Noting the potential effectiveness of this form of mitigation, both in ensuring air safety and substantially mitigating adverse impacts from lighting, applicants have in some recent cases been willing to engage a suitably worded planning condition requiring them to review aviation lighting provision at a later date, in the event that TAL becomes a practical option post consent.
Example of a suitably worded condition for ADLS
37 A ‘suitably worded condition’ might rely on a process whereby the Applicant/ Operator would periodically submit a written review of the lighting scheme to the planning authority (on, for example, the first, third and fifth anniversary of first commissioning). The review would assess the then available mitigation options, including transponder activated lighting, with the intention of minimising the landscape and visual effects of the development. If effective new mitigation, such as TAL, was potentially available for approval the review would consequently propose amendment of the lighting scheme. Any proposed amendment would need to be compliant with the then current aviation lighting requirements of the CAA and the Ministry of Defence.
38 Whilst the current trial in southwest Scotland will provide valuable evidence on the potential benefits in this form of mitigation, the process of seeking authorisation for an ‘airspace change’ to create a TMZ can be substantial and therefore may not be suitable for widespread deployment. Therefore, clarity is required with regard to what is being committed to with regard to any ADLS mitigation.
39 In the longer term, legislative change requiring the mandatory UK carriage of transponders may help ease the burden on individual developers who wished to adopt TAL, and may make this form of mitigation more cost effectively and therefore widely available.
Appendix 4: Supporting Visual and Graphic Materials
1 This appendix provides recommendations on supporting figures and visualisations which should accompany an Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment.
Relevant Current Guidance
2 This Guidance does not seek to duplicate current industry best practice guidance for the preparation of Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) mapping, wireline visualisations or day-time photomontage visualisations for wind energy proposals. Reference is made where relevant to the following published guidance:
- NatureScot (SNH) (2017) Visual representation of wind farms guidance – Version 2.2
- Landscape Institute (LI) (2019) Technical Guidance Note (TGN) 06/19: Visual Representation of development proposals
- NatureScot (2024) Pre-application guidance for onshore wind farms
3 As understanding and experience of the effects of aviation lighting evolves, it is anticipated that so too will visualisation techniques to illustrate potential effects.
4 Through the collaborative working to develop this Guidance, the Working Group has agreed that any further guidance on aviation lighting visualisations will be published in due course as an update or addendum to the NatureScot (2017) Visual representation of wind farms guidance – Version 2.2. Any such update will be progressed by NatureScot and include consultation with industry and relevant stakeholders.
Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) Mapping
5 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) mapping is commonly used in LVIA to illustrate the potential visibility of wind turbines. Generated using a specialised software package, often within wind farm design or GIS software, ZTV outputs are familiar and well understood by assessors, consultees, decision-makers, and members of the public.
6 The use of software programmes such as Geographical Information System (GIS) can assist the assessment process by helping to identify locations from where any aviation lighting may be seen. For proposals where visible aviation lighting is required, Aviation Lighting ZTVs generated to specific fixed heights where lights may usually be located, for example on the turbine nacelle or mid-point of the tower, have become an invaluable tool in informing the extent of the lighting assessment study area for an LVIA; the identification of potential receptors; and the consideration of potential mitigation measures. Comparative ZTVs illustrating low-intensity mid-tower light visibility (e.g. nacelle light visibility vs nacelle and mid-tower height visibility) may also be helpful in some instances where both medium-intensity (2000 cd / 200 cd) and low-intensity (32cd) lights are required.
Aviation Lighting Intensity ZTVs
7 With adequate technical information about the type of light fittings that may be used, it is also possible to produce useful Aviation Lighting Intensity ZTVs showing the likely intensity of light at different elevations relative to the lights, illustrating the vertical directional intensity mitigation which is embedded in the design of many modern aviation lights.
8 When generating Aviation Lighting Intensity ZTVs, calculations are based on the technical specification of aviation safety lights. The specification and claimed performance of such lights can vary, and any assumptions made as to the accuracy and certainty of this should be referred to with caution when informing the preparation of visual representation materials, including both ZTV mapping and photomontage visualisations.
9 Cumulative lighting ZTVs illustrating aviation lighting may be useful in some circumstances where more than one lit wind farm is likely to affect key receptors. These can be helpful in understanding the combined and individual effects from a number of wind farms with visible aviation lighting. These may include, including consideration of both existing (operational) and/or proposed (consented/subject to applications) sites with visible aviation lighting. If these are undertaken, then this should include the nacelle lights only, otherwise the ZTVs can become overly complex.
Visualisation of Aviation Lighting
10 Visualisation can be a helpful tool to the assessor, consultees and decision maker and good quality, reliable, accurate, visualisations are supported in this Guidance. LI Guidance Note (TGN 06/19) highlights that for technical visualisations which form part of a professional LVIA, ‘It is critical that these visualisations are accurate, objective and unbiased. They should allow competent authorities to understand the likely effects of the proposals on the character of an area and on views from specific points.’ (para 1.2.2, page 1).
11 This Guidance does not seek to replace the prescriptive guidance to produce wireline and photomontage visualisations set out in NatureScot (SNH) (2017) Visual representation of wind farms guidance – Version 2.2 but instead provides guidance on how the visual representation of visible aviation lighting may be best approached in support of a night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment within an LVIA, in an appropriate and proportionate way.
12 Although there is widespread familiarity with wind farm visualisations and associated preparatory methodologies for day-time photomontage images, the preparation of photomontages illustrating lighting (including aviation lighting) has some notable limitations.
13 Photomontage visualisations prepared for representative viewpoint locations are helpful in providing an indication of the likely locations and approximate visibility of aviation lights from different parts of the study area, but they are essentially artist’s impressions of the light emission and do not carry the same assurance that can be drawn from a day-time photomontage of a wind turbine. This limitation should be noted.
14 Unlike the use of photomontages to illustrate day-time effects arising from wind turbines, night-time digital or printed visualisations of aviation lighting cannot reasonably achieve the same degree of accuracy in what they illustrate, not least because an individual’s eyes perceive light at night differently. This is acknowledged by this Guidance and should be clearly acknowledged in any assessment.
Limitations of Visualisations
15 There are several key aspects that influence what we can see at night, and how it compares to photographic evidence. The main ones are how dark-adapted our eyes are and the contrast between any individual light when compared to the surroundings. It is harder to see a light against a bright background or foreground simply because our eyes have limited contrast, and this is especially true in overall darker conditions. A camera has separate issues regarding the dynamic range it can acquire but typically these are not as limiting at night as the eye’s limitations. This is one of the reasons that photography at twilight may show presence of light sources that our eyes simply cannot detect.
16 Evidence suggests that contrast affects most people in a similar way. Dark adaptation, by comparison, is something that varies greatly between individuals, with the main differences being due to diminishing dark response with age. In partly lit surroundings, dark adaptation never becomes complete. In unlit surroundings it can but requires from a few minutes up to half an hour to do so. Our eyes also develop greater blue sensitivity at night as they become dark adapted. A camera by comparison can be set to give a variety of colour responses (by variation of what is known as the white balance – i.e. what setting makes a sheet of white paper appear white under ambient lighting). As a result of these differences, twilight or night-time photographic images often bear a limited resemblance to what a person might see in the same circumstances. In addition, the perspective changes dramatically as the sky darkens. What may be visible in full dark may be completely invisible in twilight. There is no one simple visualisation technique that can capture the full effect.
17 The final aspect to consider in what a visualisation should represent, is whether it is as expected. In perfectly clear weather, with excellent visibility, to a person, the same light located twice the distance away would appear a quarter as bright as the nearer light. Any atmospheric opacity due to mist, dust, pollen etc. will make the more distant light fainter than this, but as a rule of thumb it is a good first guide. Another way to express this is to say how far away an aviation warning light at 200 cd would be compared to other more common red lights. The simplest of these to envisage in most locales is a car’s rear brake lights since these are similarly red in colour. These vary slightly in intensity but are typically about 80 cd.
18 In recent times methods and techniques to illustrate how such lights may appear to the naked eye have been developed, often including the capture of baseline photography taken in low light conditions (just before sunrise/ or after sunset) to prepare photomontage visual representations in a similar format to those depicting day-time views of wind turbines.
19 Whilst multiple software packages and methods are available for use when modelling visible aviation lighting, it is important to note that digital visualisations prepared in such software cannot replicate the additional variable influence which distance (between the light and the viewpoint/observer) or atmospheric attenuation from aerosols or other influences can have on the observed illuminance (brightness or brilliance) of the lights. However, it is understood that the additional influence of these factors would typically lead to a further decrease in the perceived brightness or brilliance.
20 Because of these limitations, it is recommended that visualisations produced in support of a night-time Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment should be caveated as being only a reasonable indicative illustration of the lighting effects. Visualisations should, as far as practicable, seek to represent the reasonable maximum case effects likely to arise so that these can be considered as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process (where such assessment is necessary). Where dimming mitigation is agreed with the CAA, photomontages need only illustrate 200 cd illumination.
21 This Guidance does not suggest any deviation from this approach, and an update or addendum to the NatureScot (2017) Visual representation of wind farms guidance – Version 2.2 may provide further advice in relation to the preparation of such images.
Capturing Baseline Photography
22 When capturing baseline photography at dawn/dusk/night-time at viewpoints, it is important to consider receptor activity as well as baseline lighting conditions. In some instances, it may be the existing presence of other sources of artificial lighting (i.e. other lights in the view) that is important in planning fieldwork.
23 In other situations, capturing the complete absence of natural lighting may create challenges to assessors, where the landform of the site, or other key landmarks and features, are important to the night-time experience.
24 It is important to capture a reasonable balance between visibility of the underlying landform and the apparent brightness of any artificial lights, as both should be visible in the image. It is important that photography represent the levels of darkness as seen by the naked eye at the time and the camera settings used do not make the image appear artificially brighter or darker than it is in reality.
25 Recent NatureScot guidance for undertaking night-time photography has suggested it should normally be carried out 30 minutes after sunset (or before sunrise), around the end of civil twilight (or beginning, if at dawn), when ICAO/ CAA regulations require the lights to be switched on (or off at dawn). However, the timing of photography will vary substantially with the seasons and is also heavily influenced by weather and viewing conditions, which can sometimes result in narrow windows of opportunity to obtain suitable baseline imagery. Advanced planning of fieldwork with reference to weather forecasts, sunset/sunrise times and knowledge of the location in relation to visibility of the horizon where the sun will set/rise can be important. Setting the camera up in daylight can often be advantageous. Unlike in day-time conditions, there is often a very limited window when appropriate night-time baseline photography can be captured, so if weather conditions are not favourable during this limited window (i.e. mist drifting onto the site for instance) then opportunities may be missed. This can become particularly challenging for remote viewpoints.
26 In practical terms, taking photographs after sunset rather than before sunrise is easier because it allows the photographer more time to safely set up and adjust the equipment and camera in preparation. On average, 30 minutes after sunset is a time when the shape of landform can still be discerned, and the night sky will still not be at its darkest, but importantly there will likely be a distinction between the sky and the land, or bodies of water.
27 It is recommended that multiple ranges of photography several minutes apart are captured (e.g. either side of the suggested 30 minutes after sunset or before sunrise) because the particular location (e.g. view direction relative to the sunset or sunrise horizon) and ambient lighting conditions on any given day can affect what might be the best timing for capturing appropriate baseline photography. It is recommended that observations on the prevailing weather conditions are noted when capturing the baseline photography (e.g. clear sky, partly cloudy etc.) and referenced when preparing the visualisations, as this can affect the perception of indirect background lighting.
28 It is relevant to note that the intensity of aviation lighting will not be perceived to its fullest until astronomical twilight has passed. Visualisations produced using photography taken 30 minutes after sunset should carry a caveat to this effect.
29 It may be necessary in some situations and times of the year, to capture baseline photography at a much later period after sunset. During British summer time (March to October) when day length is at its longest, and in more northern latitudes, discretion should be used to determine the best approach to the timing used for capturing baseline photography, and this Guidance accepts that experienced practitioners should have scope to adopt an appropriate project specific approach.
Health and Safety and Proportionality
30 Health and safety should be an important consideration when commissioning or undertaking dusk/dawn photography and associated fieldwork, particularly from remote viewpoints. This Guidance strongly recommends that obtaining such photography should be undertaken by competent and experienced individuals, who should anticipate potentially spending considerable time at night-time viewpoint locations and should therefore be suitably prepared to do so safely.
31 Assessors and consultees/stakeholders should take the practical and health and safety considerations in account when identifying and agreeing night-time viewpoint locations to best represent effects. This should not preclude hilltop viewpoints from being chosen, where they may provide an essential insight to the lighting effects, but an appropriate and proportionate approach should be taken to minimise risk to the assessors.
32 In some cases, a more accessible proxy viewpoint may be appropriate, for example where similar views from the periphery of a Wild Land Area (WLA) may be equally representative of those experienced from more inaccessible remote interior, or where the approach to a hill summit located at a lower elevation may provide opportunity to view aviation lights at closer distance and comparable relative lighting intensity.
Types of Visualisations
33 As outlined in the limitations above, the preparation of realistic and accurate visualisations depicting lights seen during hours of low light and/or darkness in either digital or printed format is challenging. LI Guidance Note (TGN 06/19) states that ‘Technical visualisations can take a variety of generally 'static' forms, including: annotated photographs, wirelines, photomontages, and 3D simulations.’ (para 1.2.5, page 1).
34 As for day-time visualisations of wind turbines, a range of different mediums and presentation formats exist to illustrate potential visible aviation lighting to provide the viewer with a fair and reasonable representation of what would be likely to be seen and portraying the proposal in scale with its surroundings.
35 This Guidance recommends that in most instances both wireline visualisations and photomontage visualisations are prepared to accompany an assessment, illustrating the location and likely visual appearance of aviation lighting, and the influence of any mitigation proposed which is capable of being reasonably illustrated. It cautions against trying to illustrate directional lighting mitigation, unless the developer is willing to commit to a specific lighting unit by way of a planning condition.
Wireline visualisations
36 If only certain turbines are to be lit, for example due to an agreed reduced lighting scheme, 53.5° (degree) wireline visualisations should include indication of the individual turbines that will be visibly lit. These should be included for all assessment viewpoints as annotations on the 53.5° wireline or a simple note at the foot of the wireline, simply illustrating the location of nacelle and/or tower mounted visible aviation lighting.
Photomontage visualisations
37 Night-time photomontage visualisations from a proportionate number of representative viewpoints (typically two or three), selected based on the identified sensitivity of potential receptors and frequency of visitors at night or dawn/sunset, and to be agreed with the Planning Authority (in consultation with NatureScot where appropriate). Photomontage visualisations may be prepared using:
- Dusk/night-time photography – baseline photography is typically best captured on average approximately 30 minutes after sunset (or before sunrise), around the end of civil twilight (or beginning, if at dawn), in order to capture definition of the landscape and the presence of other baseline aviation lighting.
- Manipulated day-time photography – there may be instances where the approach could be used for remote locations where no other sources of artificial light may be present in the baseline. Using digital software, baseline day-time photography captured in accordance with appropriate guidance may be manipulated to create a representation of the baseline dusk/nighttime scene but does not represent the realistic baseline at this time. It is advised that this approach may be most appropriate for remote locations and should be agreed with stakeholders in advance.
38 It is recommended that 53.5° photomontage visualisations, and potential cumulative visualisations, should illustrate:
- Medium-intensity turbine nacelle lighting at its minimum illumination – i.e. 200 cd where automatic dimming mitigation (to 10% of maximum intensity) is proposed.
- Medium-intensity turbine nacelle lighting at its maximum illumination – i.e. 2000 cd only where automatic dimming mitigation is not proposed.
- Low-intensity mid-tower lighting – i.e. 32 cd lights unless agreed otherwise with the CAA as part of a reduced lighting scheme.
39 Whilst simulating visible aviation lighting in a 3D virtual representation is possible and may help supplement understanding of how these types of lights may appear to those less familiar with their appearance, this Guidance recommends that static 2D digital images provide the most appropriate visual representation to accompany an Aviation Lighting Impact Assessment at this current time. As such, this Guidance focuses on providing recommendations on the types and format of images to be prepared to accompany an assessment.
Abbreviations and terms used in this Guidance
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority |
LVIA | Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment |
GLVIA3 | Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (3rd Edition) |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EIAR | Environmental Impact Assessment Report |
ADLS | Aircraft Detection Lighting System |
TAL | Transponder Activated Lighting |
TMZ | Transponder Mandatory Zone |
ZTV | Zone of Theoretical Visibility |
CZTV | Cumulative Zone of Theoretical Visibility |
GIS | Geographical Information System |