Marine and coastal habitats and species Marine habitats Scotland’s complex coastline shapes life beneath the waves. Our huge variety of marine habitats includes maerl beds and burrowed mud. Coastal habitats Our highly intricate coastline, which includes around 800 islands, stretches to about 11,800km and encompasses varied habitats. Marine mammals Scotland is one of the best places in Europe to see marine mammals – whales and dolphins included. Sea fish Scottish waters support a large variety of fish. All play important ecosystem roles and many are commercially valuable. Seabirds and shorebirds Scotland's seas and shores are a special place for birds with many internationally important colonies. Marine non-native species Scotland has a growing problem with marine invasive non-native species, which threaten marine biodiversity and more. Marine turtle Scotland’s shores attract giant reptile visitors in the shape of leatherback, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley and green turtles.