These 30 minute webinars are intended to enable practitioners to overcome issues that arise in planning casework and deliver the best possible outcomes for nature. Each webinar will include a short presentation to be followed by a Q&A session with the host and panellists.
Webinar: Planning for Great Places - Spatial Planning for Green Infrastructure
Planning for Green networks is not a new concept in Scotland, but the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 now requires that planning authorities "prepare a strategic framework for green infrastructure, including open spaces and green networks". This webinar draws on recent good practice to identify the ingredients for successful green network plans that support nature-rich, climate resilient places.
Link to Spatial Planning for Green Infrastructure webinar
Speaker: Ivan Clark
Recorded: 2021
Webinar: Planning for Great Places - Development and peatland
This webinar focuses on how we can minimise the impacts of development on peatland habitat in Scotland.
Link to the Development and peatland webinar. 29:09
Speaker: Andrew Coupar
Recorded: 2020
Webinar: Planning for Great Places - Solar energy development
This webinar focuses on solar development and its contribution to a low carbon future and what the deployment of this technology can do for nature.
Link to the Solar energy development webinar. 28:10
Speaker: Kenny Taylor
Recorded: 2020
Webinar: Planning for Great Places - Habitats Regulations Appraisal - Appropriate assessment
This webinar focuses on what you need to think about if you are dealing with an Appropriate Assessment. Including an explanation of concepts such as; certainty, the site integrity test, and mitigation.
Link to the Making sense of HRA webinar 30:22
Speaker: Crispin Hill
Recorded: 2020
Webinar: Planning for Great Places - Habitats Regulations Appraisal - Likely significant effect
This webinar focuses on an explanation in (relatively) plain English of the Habitats Regulations Appraisal screening stage. However, be warned, some case law quotes will appear!
Link to the Making sense of HRA webinar 27:57
Speaker: Crispin Hill
Recorded: 2020
Webinar: Good practice track development
This webinar focuses on the planning requirements and good practice for track development in Scotland.
Link to the good practice track construction webinar 19:22
Speaker: Kenny Taylor
Recorded: 2019
Webinar: Wind farm visualisations
This session provided a recap on the 'Visual representation of wind farms' guidance from NatureScot, last updated in 2017. It covers some of the technical aspects of the guidance, provides examples of good practice and an opportunity for attendees to provide feedback on the guidance.
Link to the Wind farm visualisations webinar 38:28
Speaker: Brendan Turvey
Recorded: 2019
Webinar: Wind farm aviation lighting
This session looked at the emerging issue of aviation lighting on wind turbines. It looks at what the effects might be, how these should be assessed and the mitigation options available. Also discussed are visualisations and emerging good practice on these.
Link to the Wind farm aviation lighting webinar 38:47
Speaker: Brendan Turvey
Recorded: 2019
Webinar: Planning for coastal change
Wondering how coastal change will affect what I do, what I need to think about, where can I find material to inform my work?
NatureScot have published guidance on Planning Ahead for Coastal Change. Relevant to private and public sector planners dealing with development planning and management, as well as other disciplines involved in development and issues along the coast, such as elected members, roads and flooding teams.
Link to the Planning for Coastal change webinar 19:42
Speaker: Nina Turner
Recorded: 2019