Online hub for Galloway National Park proposal An online hub has been set up to share news, information and a space for conversation. News - 10 Sept
Rediscovering the Lost Woods of Scotland Roddy Maclean reports on research using place-names to highlight past locations of trees and woodland. Blog - 30 September
Appeal to help track greylag geese People in Orkney and north-east Scotland are being asked to look out for greylag geese with special GPS collars. News - 5 September
A’ Dèanamh Ath-Lorg air na Coilltean Caillte Tha Ruairidh MacIlleathain ag aithris air pròiseact a tha a’ taisbeanadh ainmean-àite co-cheangailte ri craobhan is coilltean. Blog - 30 September
Scotland’s Forgotten Woodlands Mapping stories and restoration potential of Scotland’s forgotten woodland sites. News - 30 August
Sharing our knowledge far and wide Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Nature visit Scotland to discover more about Peatland ACTION’s work. Blog - 27 September