Scientific Advisory Committee meeting - 3 March 2022 - 63rd Meeting
Agenda and relevant papers for the 63rd SAC meeting
Further information on items in this agenda can be obtained from NatureScot in advance of the meeting, and a member of the public may make a written representation on any item to the Committee up to 24 hours in advance. If that is not possible it will be tabled at the meeting. For further information please contact: Paul Robertson, Nature & Climate Change Director Support Team.
- Welcome, apologies for absence and declarations of interest 10.00
- Minutes, action points and matters arising from the meeting held on 13 September 2021 10.05
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting, update the SAC on action points and other matters arising.
Discussion Papers/Presentations
- The Environment Strategy and Indicators – a presentation 10.10
(Sallie Bailey, SG; David O’Brien)(SAC/2022/03/01)
To update SAC on current thinking
- Carbon-biodiversity synergies 10.35
(Clive Mitchell) (SAC/2022/03/02)
To discuss and advise on future land use – presentation and paper
- How should we create more woodland in Scotland? 11.00
(Duncan Stone) (SAC/2022/03/03)
To consider and comment on the analysis in the paper
- SAC sub groups update 11.25
(Sarah Hutcheon and Des Thompson) (SAC/2022/03/04)
To note update and agree revised membership of the MPA sub group
Break 11:35
- Report from February Board/SAC meeting 11:45
(Sarah Hutcheon) (SAC/2022/03/05)
To discuss the forward programme for the SAC
- Update on COP15 and development of the new Scottish Biodiversity Strategy 12:05
(Des Thompson)
A presentation – for information
- Information Papers 12:20
(Short papers presented for information and for SAC members’ questions for clarification)
SAC/2022/03/Info01 Avian influenza and impacts on wild bird populations (Alastair MacGugan)
SAC/2022/03/Info02 Development of a strategy on the conservation of herpetofauna (Rob Raynor)
- AOB 12.30
End of Open Session