SBAG Scottish Beaver Advisory Group – Terms of Reference 2022-2024
Rev 02/06/2022
The following terms of reference were developed as part of the participatory process to produce Scotland’s Beaver Strategy 2022-2045. These terms should be reviewed every two years to ensure they remain fit for purpose.
The Scottish Beaver Advisory Group (SBAG) exists to monitor, review and guide delivery of Scotland’s Beaver Strategy 2022-2045. It does this through providing balanced advice and support to strategy delivery partners, in particular NatureScot and the Scottish Government.
- Membership will consist of single representatives from organisations with national remits, who could have an impact on, be impacted by (positively or negatively) or have expertise to contribute to the delivery of the strategy.
- Members of the SBAG will consult and represent the diversity of views of their organisations/members and other organisations with similar interests. To widen the community of interest, it is anticipated that SBAG members will also feed back to their sector the key issues arising through the work of the group.
- Membership will be kept under review as issues evolve and the range of beaver population expands.
- Membership of the SBAG will be initially limited to 16. Membership will avoid duplication of representation of similar interests.
- An independent Chair to be proposed by NatureScot and approved by the membership
- The appointment will be for a 2-year period and will be funded by NatureScot
SBAG members will be invited from interested organisations including:
Membership places |
Institution type |
Institution name |
1 |
Public Bodies |
NatureScot |
2 |
Public Bodies |
Scottish Government |
3 |
Public Bodies |
Scottish Forestry or Forestry and Land Scotland |
4 |
Public Bodies |
Scottish Environment Protection Agency |
5 |
Public Bodies |
National Parks (1 rep) |
6 |
Public Bodies |
Scottish Water |
7 |
Local Authorities |
8 |
Fisheries and Water |
Fisheries Management Scotland |
9 |
Fisheries and Water |
River Restoration Centre or Centre of Expertise for Waters |
10 |
Land Management |
National Farmers Union Scotland |
11 |
Land Management |
Scottish Land and Estates |
12 |
Land Management |
Confederation of Forest Industries |
13 |
Conservation |
Scottish Environment Link (specific member organisation TBD) |
14 |
Conservation |
The Scottish Rewilding Alliance |
15 |
Conservation |
Royal Zoological Society of Scotland |
16 |
Management Advice |
Beaver Trust |
The SBAG may form sub-groups on an ad hoc basis to advise and report on specialist topics relating to individual site specific and technical beaver management issues or to address broader topics, such as research and innovation in the field of beaver management. Members of the sub-groups may include both SBAG members and non- members.
The formation and duration of the sub-groups will be determined by SBAG.
- The SBAG will meet quarterly each year by video conference or in person as agreed at the previous meeting.
- One member of each organisation will attend SBAG meetings.
- The SBAG may invite NatureScot staff, sub-group members and others to report on or present on specialist topics on an ad hoc basis.
- Members are free to use the information exchanged during the meeting but neither the identity nor affiliation of the contributors may be revealed.
- Minutes of the meeting will reflect a summary of key points and action points.
Minutes to be circulated to the forum for approval prior to publication. Minutes will be anonymised and made publicly available on the SBAG web page.
The SBAG will act as safe space for challenging and difficult discussions, with members to use judgement and discretion about reporting content to their organisation or members. Papers shared with the group should clearly indicate whether they can be shared beyond the group (noting that some members are representing a wider group of organisations and will want to share information where possible). Any sensitive or confidential issues raised in the meeting must be highlighted at the time.
- Meetings should be transparent and planned, run and reported upon in a way that builds trust between the membership and between the membership and the stakeholders they represent.
- Any joint press releases should be signed off by all members; and all members will respect embargos.
The SBAG shall operate a dedicated web page within the NatureScot website which will include:
- Summary of functions of the SBAG.
- Terms of reference of the group.
- Membership and sub-group information.
- Minutes of meetings
- Links to technical and site specific information.
- Contact information.
NatureScot shall provide the secretariat whose functions shall include:
- Assist SBAG chair in setting agenda and organisation of meetings.
- Taking minutes of meetings
- Administration of webpages
- Dealing with correspondence.