NatureScot Research Report 983 - Habitat Map of Scotland Upland Mapping Pilot
This report describes a new habitat mapping method, in 2 pilot areas, using stereo colour infrared (sCIR) aerial photo interpretation (API) and sets out habitat interpretation indicators for 19 upland habitats. An accuracy assessment indicated that the method can deliver accurate mapping of all 7 widespread/extensive upland Annex I habitats and 10 non-Annex I habitats (comprising the bulk of the uplands) with a small amount of fieldwork. Also significant examples of 11 rare/small-scale Annex I habitats could also be mapped by identification of 'potential' areas followed by targeted fieldwork. Costed options indicated that the habitat mapping method used across the HabMoS upland survey gap would be at a cost of around £1.8 million, this is an average of £0.68 per hectare and could be completed considerably faster than full field survey.
Pages: 101
Published: 2018