NatureScot Research Report 965 - Seabird counts at North Caithness Cliffs SPA in 2015 and 2016 for Marine Renewable Casework
Seabirds along the North Caithness Coast between Duncansby Head and Strathy Point were counted over two seasons in 2015 and 2016. This included complete coverage of the North Caithness Cliffs Special Protection Area and the component Sites of Special Scientific Interest. The numbers of birds located in each of the standard count sections, in the SSSIs and in the SPA, are presented and compared with historic counts and national trends. Within the SPA Common Guillemot, black-legged Kittiwake and Atlantic Puffin have shown strong declines since they were last counted during seabird 2000. Northern Fulmar has shown a slight decline, while Razorbill, European Shag, Great black backed Gull and Herring gull have all shown increases since seabird 2000.
Pages: 21
Published: 2018
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