NatureScot Commissioned Report 703: Breeding success of cliff nesting seabirds in Mainland Orkney in 2013 and initial review of Orkney seabird monitoring
Populations of selected cliff-nesting seabirds at colonies in Mainland Orkney have been monitored, by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (and its predecessor), since 1976. Breeding success was also monitored for more than 30 years, until 2009.
NatureScot commissioned this 2013 study in partnership with the RSPB to provide further ongoing monitoring. It looked at the breeding success of cliff-nesting seabirds at various colonies near and/or next to proposed marine renewable developments in Orkney.
The report summarises population trends among the monitored cliff-nesting seabirds on Mainland Orkney.
It also provides an initial review of current seabird monitoring in Orkney. The focus is on supporting bids for longer-term funding for this, given the pressing need to understand the impacts of our growing marine renewables industry.
Published: 2016
Pages: 56
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