NatureScot Research Report 1227 - SPANS Scotland's People and Nature Survey 2019/20 - outdoor recreation, health, and environmental attitudes modules
Scotland's People and Nature Survey (SPANS) is a large-scale quantitative survey conducted among a representative sample of adults in Scotland. The survey collects information on how people living in Scotland use, value and enjoy the natural environment.
The 2019/20 survey updates the findings from the 2017/18 and 2013/14 surveys. The 2019/20 survey fieldwork period, originally scheduled to run for 12 months, ending in April 2020, was concluded early just before the introduction of social distancing on 23 March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The research findings contained in this report do not therefore cover the 'lockdown' period which followed. A separate piece of on-line research, commissioned in May 2020 and available on the NatureScot website, examines outdoor visit behaviour and engagement with nature during lockdown.
Pages: 84
Published: 2020