NatureScot Licensing Service Level Statement
This Service Statement explains how we work with licence applicants. Our website provides standing advice and guidance on the application process for all our licence types and we strongly advise that you refer to the relevant guidance before you apply for a licence.
NatureScot Licensing Team Obligations
NatureScot aims to ensure our licensing service is efficient, effective, proportionate and adaptable. We will give clear communication, outcomes and outputs which enable engagement and delivery of our service.
- NatureScot will endeavour to meet the delivery periods, however NatureScot may require additional time as set out below for novel and contentious cases where guidance and advice is required from NatureScot species advisors, Scottish Government or any other external advisors.
- During periods of peak demand (March – June) the licence delivery period may exceed those set out below – this will be communicated to the applicant on submission.
- NatureScot licensing team will maintain communication with applicants if any applications are delayed for any reason.
- NatureScot will carry out comprehensive compliance monitoring to ensure licence conditions are being adhered to where there are breaches of conditions may revoke or refuse future licenses.
NatureScot Licensing Team will prioritise licence applications for Preventing Serious Damage and Preserving Public Health and Public Safety – including Air Safety over all other licence types.
NatureScot will, subject to having been provided with full and accurate details, aim to issue licenses within the follow time frames:
Licence Type | Service Level Agreement |
Preventing Serious Damage | 5 working Days |
Preserving Public Health and Public Safety – including Air Safety | 5 Working Days |
Badger & Agriculture | 5 Working Days |
Badger Ecologist – All Operations | 20 Working Days |
Hunting with Dogs – Preventing Serious Damage | 10 Working Days |
Hunting with Dogs – Environmental Benefit | 10 Working Days |
BLIMP | 30 Working Days |
Translocations | 40 Working Days |
Survey: Commercial Benefit | 20 Working Days |
Monitoring: Commercial Benefit | 20 Working Days |
Works Affecting | 20 Working Days |
Non Standard Forestry Licenses | 20 Working Days |
Badger Development: Above two dwelling | 20 Working Days |
Photography | 20 Working Days |
Fresh Water Pearl Mussel – Sale | 20 Working Days |
Applicants Obligations
The Applicant shall:
- Ensure that any application form or other application information provided to NatureScot is complete and accurate;
- Ensure that licenses other than those for Preventing Serious Damage and Preserving Public Health and Public Safety – including Air Safety will be applied for at the earliest opportunity;
- Co-operate with NatureScot in all matters relating to the licensing service;
- If required for compliance purposes, provide NatureScot with access to their sites;
- Provide NatureScot with such information and materials as NatureScot may reasonably require in order to supply the Services, and ensure that such information is accurate in all material respects.