NatureScot Deer App - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Deer App?
NatureScot has developed Deer App, a mobile software app that will be made freely available to the deer industry in Scotland.
The aim of the app is to gain a better insight into deer populations and culls across Scotland, improving the evidence base and providing a sound basis for planning future deer management.
The NatureScot Deer App will:
- Streamline and improve the quality and quantity of information collected.
- Help practitioners by making it easier to submit valuable data, including statutory cull returns.
- Improve the verification and traceability of venison from point of cull through to the end of the supply chain and the final consumer.
When will the Deer App become available for use?
The App is available to those taking part in NatureScot’s incentive schemes and is expected to be rolled out for general use in due course.
Is the use of the Deer App compulsory in the pilot incentive scheme areas?
Yes, the Deer App will be used to collect relevant deer data in the incentivisation areas.
Will there be training in the use of the Deer App available?
Yes, NatureScot is providing guidance for users on how to use the app. Further assistance is also available if required.
How will I get paid when using the Deer App?
The Deer App submissions will represent an invoice which will be the source of payment.
How will I record my deer and get paid if the Deer App fails?
In the event of Deer App failure NatureScot will make available hard copy larder records which in turn will act as invoices.
Is it correct that the Deer App uses plastic carcass tags for field tagging of carcasses?
Yes. Plastic tags will be attached to the deer carcass at the cull location. Plastic carcass tags will be available from NatureScot.
How will Nature Scot manage my submitted deer data?
NatureScot will deal with any deer data supplied in accordance with its published policies which can be viewed in detail here.
Do I still have to complete an annual deer return?
Annual cull returns in the pilot incentivisation area are required for the period 01/04/2024- 31/09/2024. Thereafter the Deer App will be automatically submitting the deer cull return information.
Do I still need night shooting and out-of-season authorisations, when using the Deer App?
Yes, such authorisations are required.
Does the Deer App and new carcass tagging system restrict how I use my venison?
No. The Deer App will have no impact on the destination of any venison.
If I sell my venison to a game dealer, can I do so through the Deer App?
Not at this point, however we expect to have this in place in the future.
Does this mean that I need to add a game dealer’s carcass tag to a carcass in the larder before carcass uplift?
Yes, this will still be the case, as the trained hunter declaration still requires signing.
Are deer carcass pictures mandatory?
When using the app in the incentivisation pilot areas for payment purposes then yes, a picture of the deer carcass is mandatory.
How should the picture be composed?
For the deer incentivisation scheme pilot, the picture should show the whole carcass, clearly identifying species and sex.
I have deer cullers including paying guests operating from high seats. There may be multi carcass situations. Can this be accommodated by the app?
Yes. Other individuals (such as paying guests) who are not app-users can shoot, tag and gralloch deer carcasses, however in all such situations the app account holder is responsible for collecting and completing the data required by the app. This may include gathering details of pre-shot abnormal behaviour from the relevant deer cullers.
Do I need my GPS location enabled on my mobile phone?
Yes, GPS location should always be enabled when using the NatureScot deer management app.
Why won’t the app work on my phone?
If your phone is pay-as-you-go ensure that that it is ‘topped-up’ adequately.
Can I see a record on my phone of the deer I’ve culled and put through the app?
Yes. Click on the icon in the top right-hand corner of the “Deer Management” page of the app. This will open your profile page. Click on “Show carcasses awaiting upload”. This will show all carcasses you have entered into the app. Carcasses can only be removed from here by clicking on the “Clear carcasses awaiting upload button”.
How do I reset my password?
- There are three ways to reset your password:
- When you first sign up to the app you will be sent a password reset link. You can skip to step 3 for this.
- You can also request a password reset link to your email address by using the “Forgotten password?” button on the sign in page.
- If you open the “Profile page” there is a reset password option.
2. Enter the email address that you signed up with and press the “Send Link” button.
3. You will receive an email to reset the password. This link will come directly from the app and not directly from NatureScot. Please check your junk mail folder in case the email is sent here rather than your inbox.
4. Click on the link in your email to begin the reset process. You may have to copy the link into your web browser if your email does not let you click links (the link will be in blue).
5. In your web browser, you will see a box where you can enter your new password.
Make sure that your password is more than 6 characters long and contains both letters and numbers.
Then press the “SAVE” button.
6. Your password will now be changed and you will receive a confirmation. You can now go back to the app and log in with the new password that you entered.
If you try to use the same reset link again, you will not be allowed to and will get a message saying that your request to reset your password has expired or the link has already been used. Try resetting your password again.
Return to the Deer Management Incentive Scheme pilots web page.