NatureScot Commissioned Report 745: Infaunal and PSA analyses of grab samples collected from the Clyde Sea, in March and July 2013
This report presents new information on the infauna of seabed habitats and proposed protected features (PPFs) in possible Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas in South Arran and Loch Goil. We now have a much better understanding on the distribution of particularly the the PPFs burrowed mud, shallow tide swept coarse sands with burrowing bivalves, ocean quahogs and maerl beds in the Clyde. We also found that many of the coarser sediment stations around South Arran had exceptionally high species diversities. By improving our knowledge of the status and distribution of seabed habitats and species these findings assist NatureScot, JNCC and MSS to establish a well-managed coherent network of Nature Conservation MPAs in Scotland’s seas. This report complements the NatureScot Commissioned Report 631 which addresses results from the video component of the same survey.
Pages: 88
Published: 2014
NatureScot Commissioned Report 745
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