NatureScot Commissioned Report 631: Biological analyses of underwater video from research cruises in the Clyde Sea (Loch Goil and the south of Arran) and in Orkney (Rousay Sound and Stronsay Firth
This report presents new information on seabed habitats and species in Scotland. Around Arran we confirmed widespread burrowed mud in deeper water, an inshore band of coarse sediments with sea cucumbers, and patches of fairly sparse living maerl. In Loch Goil two records were made of the spectacular fireworks anemone, and in the tide-swept Stronsay Firth dense horse mussel beds were recorded, at least in patches, at three sites. By improving our knowledge of the status and distribution of seabed habitats and species these findings assist NatureScot, JNCC and MSS to establish a well-managed coherent network of Nature Conservation MPAs in Scotland’s seas.
Pages: 61
Published: 2013
NatureScot Commissioned Report 631
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