Freedom of Information Request - deaths of peregrine falcons and merlin from Avian flu
Date: 31 October 2024
Our ref: SIR177430/A4792674
Information Request – deaths of peregrine falcons and merlin from Avian flu
Your Request
I would like to know what NatureScot are doing to monitor deaths from avian flu in peregrine falcons and merlin, and what contingency plan they have for a collapse in the population, as is being seen in other part of the world
Our Response
The ‘Scottish wild bird highly pathogenic avian influenza response plan’ sets out the approach that Scottish Government and its agencies will take to respond to an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wild birds in Scotland.
The first wild bird deaths in Scotland resulting from the current avian influenza outbreak were detected in winter 2021/22.
Since 2022 we have been monitoring wild bird mortality across all wild bird species on key sites across Scotland in combination with collecting samples for HPAI testing. We set up a surveillance network of observers and developed a targeted reporting network using the Epicollect app which enables submission of mortality sightings from the field in real time. This complements the GB Dead Wild Bird Surveillance Scheme run by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) which enables anyone to report sightings of dead wild birds including raptors. Wild birds testing positive from carcasses submitted to APHA are published weekly.
In 2022 we also commissioned the British Trust for Ornithology to undertake a study to improve our understanding of the impact of the outbreak on raptors and raptor populations in Scotland, using annual breeding raptor data from the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme. The report was published and can be viewed on our website. No significant issues were detected with breeding peregrine or merlin.
We have commissioned a follow up report using the 2023 breeding season data, but it is still in draft, with a plan to publish on our website by early next year. It does note some regional issues with peregrine (above average turnover of adults and poorer breeding performance than is typical). This is not dissimilar to the type of issue that has been noted recently in North America We are withholding the draft report under EIR exemption Regulation 10(4)(d) -Material in the course of completion, unfinished documents, and incomplete data (Environmental Information Regulations).
The situation in Scotland, however, is nothing like as severe as it appears to be in parts of North America. Whilst peregrine can be susceptible to impacts from HPAI there is no evidence to suggest any significant population level impact in Scotland (note a significant proportion of the population is monitored annually) and therefore no need for further measures currently. Similarly, there is no evidence of impacts on merlin and no plans for any further measures for that species.
How We Handled Your Request
We believe you have asked for environmental information as defined in the Environmental Information (Scotland Regulations 2004 (‘the EIRs’), so we are dealing with your request under those regulations. To be able to use the EIRs, we must apply an exemption under section 39(2) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (‘FOISA’). The Scottish Information Commissioner’s guidance recommends that public authorities apply this exemption to environmental information and handle request under the EIRs.
If you would like to find out more about the access to information legislation, there is a guidance booklet available on the Scottish Information Commissioner’s website.
Review and Appeal
I hope this information meets your requirements, but if you are dissatisfied with how we have responded to your information request, please write to us within 40 working days explaining your concerns. You can contact us at Battleby, Redgorton, Perth, PH1 3EW or email us at [email protected]. We will carry out a review of our response and contact you with our findings within 20 working days.
If you are not satisfied following this, you can make an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner within 6 months. The Scottish Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
Telephone: 01334 464610
Yours sincerely
FOI Officer,
Document downloads
Due to accessibility issues the attached information, referenced above, is available on request by contacting the FOI team at [email protected]. Please reference the case number (starting with SIR).