Corporate Plan 2022-2026 - A nature-rich future for all
We all face a nature and climate emergency. Everyone's future depends on us tackling both. Big problems require bold action so that we protect and restore nature in Scotland, and inspire everyone to value our natural world.
NatureScot has set out its priorities to help turn around the nature crisis and achieve net-zero carbon emissions in Scotland in a Corporate Plan for 2022 to 2026. The national objectives are clear. The decline in Scotland's biodiversity needs to be reversed by 2030 at the latest. This is an essential point along the way to regenerating and ultimately restoring abundance and variety in our natural world by 2045.
This is a national endeavour. No single organisation can do this on its own. So, we want to work with partners across Scotland’s public sector, and with communities, businesses, and the environment sector towards a nature-rich future for all.
Pages: 16
Published: 2022