Consultation response - Strategic Environmental Assessment 01376 Screening for our Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund - NOTICE OF DETERMINATION
Notice is hereby given that NatureScot, after consultation with the consultation authorities, has made a determination under Section 8(1) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, that Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund – Strategic Intervention 2018-2023 is unlikely to lead to significant environmental effects. Therefore, the Fund will not be subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment.
The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires NatureScot’s own Plans Programmes and Strategies, that have significant effects on the environment, to be subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). NatureScot has therefore undertaken SEA Screening and determination during our preparations for a new Natural and Cultural Heritage Fund. This will include the delivery of an ERDF funding stream covering Natural and Cultural Heritage projects delivering tourism benefits within the Highlands and Islands. This is a plan which sits within the existing ERDF framework of policies, plans and strategies that have been subject to SEA (ERDF Programme for Scotland SEA Assessment).
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Disclaimer: Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has changed its name to NatureScot as of the 24th August 2020.
At the time of publishing, this document may still refer to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and include the original branding. It may also contain broken links to the old domain.
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