Protected area notices See current notices for Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Natura sites and National Nature Reserves. Or find out how to get email alerts for new notices.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) More than 1,400 Sites of Special Scientific Interest represent the best of Scotlands flora, fauna, geology, geomorphology or a mix of these features. 12 Apr, 2017
Climate change drives butterflies north New research reveals ten butterfly species have increased significantly in Scotland, though climate change could be pushing them north. News - 11 November
The Cunning ‘Wild Dog’ of the Highlands Roddy Maclean reports on foxes in Gaelic Scotland. Blog - 28 October
New guidance to help protect Forvie seals New guidance has been put in place to help protect vulnerable seals and their pups. News - 08 November
Madadh Seòlta na Gàidhealtachd Tha Ruairidh MacIlleathain a’ toirt sùil air an t-sionnach. Blog - 28 October
NatureScot launches consultation for Scotland’s proposed new National Park in Galloway Public encouraged to ‘have your voice heard’. News - 07 November
Look out for the Winter Nomad The short-eared owl is a winter nomad, relocating from higher moors and blanket bog to find food and shelter in gentler lands. Blog - 25 October