Publications and documents

Our most recent publications, commissioned or research reports, policy and guidance documents, and other resources are available.

Publications and documents older than 3 years old

We are in the process of archiving our publications and documents older than 3 years old to keep the website current and up-to-date. Note: Some of our older publications are still relevant today but require updated branding and links. We no longer do hard copy print runs. 

Older publications can be found using the main search function at the top of the page. Here is a full list of our older publications and documents.

If you require further assistance, please complete our feedback form

Current publications and documents

The search box below contains our most recent resources including, publications, documents, commissioned or research reports, and board papers. You can filter using the document type or document category drop-down or by adding your topic to the search box.

NHS Greenspace Demonstration Project - Bringing the outdoors in - An activity resource pack for mental health professionals

20 Apr, 2020

There is a growing body of evidence that outlines the multitude of health and well-being benefits from spending time outside. For some people going outside is not an option due to physical or mental ill-health. This guide is intended to give healthcare staff and practitioners ideas for year round, nature connection activities that can be carried in a ward setting.
