Publications and documents

Our most recent publications, commissioned or research reports, policy and guidance documents, and other resources are available.

Publications and documents older than 3 years old

We are in the process of archiving our publications and documents older than 3 years old to keep the website current and up-to-date. Note: Some of our older publications are still relevant today but require updated branding and links. We no longer do hard copy print runs. 

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Current publications and documents

The search box below contains our most recent resources including, publications, documents, commissioned or research reports, and board papers. You can filter using the document type or document category drop-down or by adding your topic to the search box.

SNH Research Report 322 - front cover

NatureScot Commissioned Report 322: Assessments of grazing and trampling impacts on upland habitats in the Cairngorms Core Area 1995-2000

01 Jan, 2009

A survey of grazing, browsing and trampling impacts of large herbivores in the Cairngorms was carried out between 1995 and 2000 to assist the Cairngorms Partnership and NatureScot develop a management strategy for moorland and montane habitats. The objective of the assessments was to identify areas where habitats were impacted at levels likely to result in damage, deterioration or loss of the habitat.

Commissioned/Research report | deer
SNH Research Report 261 - front cover

NatureScot Commissioned Report 261: An assessment and evaluation of herbivore impacts on designated upland habitats within the Drumochter Hills SAC

01 Jan, 2008

The SCM assessment of the Drumochter Hills SSSI and SAC indicated that many of the upland features were in unfavourable condition and potentially ‘at risk’ from herbivore impacts. On this basis, the site has been identified as one where joint working with other agencies could help to deliver sustainable deer / herbivore management.

Commissioned/Research report | deer