Getting started with foraging, with Elli Carlisle and Kat O'Brien

Foraging Fortnight, a series of events celebrating Scotland’s natural environment and wild food, recently took place across the country. Following on from the festival, which is managed by NatureScot, we chatted with two of our colleagues, Elli Carlisle and Kat O’Brien, about the easiest and safest ways to experience the best of Scotland's natural larder.

From brambles and chanterelles to wild garlic and hazelnuts, which food is ripe for picking depends on the time of year, and it’s vital we eat only those wild plants and mushrooms safe for human consumption. Responsible wild harvesting means taking only what you'll use and picking carefully to have minimal impact on the plant.

Read more:
Foraging Fortnight
More about foraging
Foraging wild plants
Scottish Wild Mushroom Code
Scottish Outdoor Access Code


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