Scientific Advisory Committee Expert Panel - Terms of Reference
Roles and Responsibilities of the SAC ‘Expert Panel’
- The role of a panel member may cover any, or all, of the following, on request from NatureScot:
- Advice: provide necessary advice on scientific matters, especially in relation to novel or contentious work. This advice may be sought over the life-cycle of a project (start-up to final reporting).
- Peer Review: to review the quality of NatureScot research reports.
- Research Theme Review: contribute to in-depth investigations of specific research themes that underpin NatureScot’s programmes of work. These reviews are designed to ensure that NatureScot’s advice is based on robust science and draws on expertise from appropriate sources. Some of this work involves working as a member of a SAC sub-group (which always has two Scientific Advisory Committee members, and may involve experts outwith the Committee/Expert Panel).
- Members of the Expert Panel will receive a day rate (pro-rata) when asked to provide any of the services in paragraph 1 above. In addition, NatureScot will cover reasonable expenses (including travel, accommodation, childcare and carer expenses) incurred as a result of the work. NatureScot rates will apply.
- Membership of the Expert Panel is not a guarantee of work, as contributions will be dictated by operational requirements at any given time. Panel members will be approached in advance and asked if they can contribute to a particular issue within their specific area(s) of expertise. Occasionally, contributions may be sought at short notice.
- Membership will usually be for three years (with the possibility of extension of appointment, with the maximum overall duration of service no more than eight years). NatureScot will review the work of the Panel member annually, and reserves the right to terminate membership if work from the member is not required or is not contributing to the requirements under paragraph 1.
Dignity at work
- NatureScot is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to treating every member of staff with dignity and respect. The individual and corporate responsibilities outlined in our Dignity at Work Policy extend to Committee/SAC ‘Expert Panel’ members, and incorporates duties under the Equality Act 2010.
Environmental Impact
- Where Expert Panel members are contributing to an SAC sub group, they are likely to be asked to attend sub group meetings. In the interests of limiting its environmental impact, where possible NatureScot will utilise video/telephone conferencing equipment to reduce the need for attendees to travel to meetings.
Support services
- Recruitment to the Expert Panel is managed by the Executive Office. Secretariat support of the SAC and the Expert Panel is undertaken by the Director Support Team - Nature and Climate Change. More information about these services can be provided on request.
March 2024