Protected Species List - Habitats Regulations 1994
Published: 2019
The Habitat Regulation 1994 (as amended) provides protection for a number of different species. Schedules 2, 3 and 4 provide a list of species protected under the Habitat Regulations 1994 (as amended), with each schedule affording varying protection for the species included.
Taxon | Current taxon name | Common name | Legislation giving protection | Schedule or Annex listing | Occurs in Scotland | Breeds in Scotland |
Mammal | Myotis brandtii | Bat - Brandt's | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | No | No |
Mammal | Plecotus auritus | Bat - Brown long-eared | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Bat - Common pipistrelle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Myotis daubentonii | Bat - Daubenton's | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Nyctalus leisleri | Bat - Leisler's | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Pipistrellus nathusii | Bat - Nathsius' pipistrelle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Myotis nattereri | Bat - Natterer's | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Nyctalus noctula | Bat - Noctule | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Bat - Soprano pipistrelle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Myotis mystacinus | Bat - Whiskered | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Vespertilionidae spp | Bats - All typical species | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Rhinolophidae spp | Bats - Horseshoe bats | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | No | No |
Mammal | Tursiops truncatus | Cetacean - Bottlenose dolphin | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Cetacea | Cetacean - Dolphins, porpoises and whales - All species | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Some |
Mammal | Phocoena phocoena | Cetacean - Harbour or Common porpoise | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Muscardinus avellanarius | Dormouse | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | No | No |
Amphibian | Triturus cristatus | Great crested newt | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Reptile | Chelonia mydas | Green turtle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | No |
Reptile | Eretmochelys imbricata | Hawksbill turtle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | No |
Reptile | Lepidochelys kempii | Kemp's ridley turtle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | No |
Butterfly | Maculinea arion | Large blue butterfly | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | No | No |
Reptile | Dermochelys coriacea | Leatherback turtle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | No |
Reptile | Caretta caretta | Loggerhead turtle | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | No |
Amphibian | Bufo calamita | Natterjack toad | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Lutra lutra | Otter | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Reptile | Coronella austriaca | Smooth snake | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | No | No |
Fish | Acipenser sturio | Sturgeon | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | - |
Mammal | Felis silvestris | Wildcat | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Castor fiber | Beaver | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Reptile | Lacerta agilis | Sand lizard | HR 1994 | Schedule 2: European protected species* | - | - |
* The locations in Scotland where these species are currently known to exist are believed to be the results of introductions and therefore the provisions of the Habitats Directive are considered not to apply to them.
Taxon | Current taxon name | Common name | Legislation giving protection | Schedule or Annex listing | Occurs in Scotland | Breeds in Scotland |
Fish | Alosa alosa | Allis shad | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Fish | Salmo salar (only in fresh water) | Atlantic salmon | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Fish | Barbus barbus | Barbel | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Erignathus barbatus | Bearded seal | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | No |
Mammal | Phoca vitulina | Common seal | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Fish | Thymallus thymallus | Grayling | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Halichoerus grypus | Grey seal | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Phoca groenlandica (otherwise known as Pagophilus groenlandicus) | Harp seal | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | No |
Mammal | Cystophora cristata | Hooded seal | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | No |
Mammal | Lepus timidus | Mountain hare | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Martes martes | Pine marten | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Mammal | Mustela putorius (otherwise known as Putorius putorius) | Polecat | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | No |
Mammal | Phoca hispida (otherwise known as Pusa hispida) | Ringed seal | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | No |
Fish | Lampetra fluviatilis | River lamprey | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Fish | Alosa fallax | Twaite shad | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Fish | Coregonus albula | Vendace | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Fish | Coregonus lavaretus | Whitefish | HR 1994 | Schedule 3 | Yes | Yes |
Taxon | Current taxon name | Common name | Legislation giving protection | Schedule or Annex listing | Occurs in Scotland | Breeds in Scotland |
Vascular Plant | Apium repens | Creeping marshwort | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | No | No |
Vascular Plant | Gentianella anglica | Early gentian | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | No | No |
Vascular Plant | Liparis loeselii | Fen orchid | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | No | No |
Vascular Plant | Luronium natans | Floating-leaved water plantain | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species* | No | No |
Vascular Plant | Trichomanes speciosum | Killarney fern | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Vascular Plant | Cypripedium calceolus | Lady's-slipper orchid | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | No | No |
Vascular Plant | Rumex rupestris | Shore dock | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | No | No |
Vascular Plant | Najas flexilis | Slender naiad | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
Vascular Plant | Saxifraga hirculus | Yellow marsh saxifrage | HR 1994 | Schedule 4: European protected species | Yes | Yes |
* The locations in Scotland where these species are currently known to exist are believed to be the results of introductions and therefore the provisions of the Habitats Directive are considered not to apply to them