NatureScot Research Report 1079 - Sheigra-Oldshoremore SSSI - vegetation survey 2016
Sheigra-Oldshoremore Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) lies on the west coast of Sutherland, 3 km north-west of Kinlochbervie. It is notified for two coastal habitat features, Sand dunes and Machair. These interests are also part of Oldshoremore and Sandwood SAC. The SSSI comprises a series of three bays, at Oldshoremore, Oldshore Beg and Sheigra, each with extensive windblown sand supporting sand dune and machair vegetation. The SSSI also includes areas of fen, rocky headlands and slopes with wet and dry heath and maritime cliff vegetation.
The 2016 vegetation survey updates previous two surveys of this site, using the National Vegetation Classification (NVC) and European Nature Information System (EUNIS) classification systems.
Pages: 58
Published: 2018
Publication 2018 - NatureScot Research Report 1079 - Annex 7 - GIS data file
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