NatureScot gold panning position statement
March 2024
Gold and silver are Mines Royal, which in most cases means it belongs to the Crown and is managed by Crown Estate Scotland.
To take gold or silver from land or rivers you therefore need the permission of Crown Estate Scotland. In some areas—the estates of the Duke of Sutherland and the Duke of Argyll—the rights belong to others, and you should seek their permission.
Crown Estate Scotland’s policy on gold panning can be read on the Crown Estate Scotland website.
You must also adhere to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s good practice guidance on gold panning.
If you are planning to pan for gold as a recreational activity in Scotland, please be responsible and follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and remember that access rights do not apply to the extraction or mining of gold.
If you follow the guidance provided in the links above you will not need to apply for consent from NatureScot to pan for gold in designated sites.