NatureScot Commissioned Report 942 - A Review of Game Bird Law and Licensing in Selected European Countries
This comparative review explores how game bird hunting is regulated – including through licensing – in 14 countries across Europe. Case studies analyse in detail the situation in five of these nations.
The legal controls on game bird hunting are the main focus, and the report also looks at requirements to monitor, protect and manage game birds.
All 14 countries have legislation to regulate hunting, promote sustainable hunting and require individual hunters to be licensed. Licences can be revoked in all 14 countries if hunting law is breached – and in most countries a serious breach may incur other penalties.
The Scottish Government requested the review as part of its commitment to tackling wildlife crime. A key priority is to address the illegal killing of raptors in Scotland.
The report outlines the law in:
- Germany
- Norway
- Sweden
- Spain
- France
- Poland
- Hungary
- Latvia
- Slovakia
- Finland
- Romania
- Estonia
- Bulgaria
- Denmark
Case studies are given for:
- Germany
- Sweden
- Norway
- France
- Spain
Pages: 77
Published: 2017
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