NatureScot Commissioned Report 937: A survey of the feeding distribution of geese around the Loch of Strathbeg
This report details the distribution of foraging geese in the vicinity of Loch of Strathbeg Special Protection Area in March and April 2016.
Survey work repeated the methods used for a similar study carried out at the site in 2004. Core areas of goose use were identified and their coincidence with the boundaries of the local goose management scheme assessed.
The report finds that the areas most heavily used by geese in 2016 remain similar to those identified in 2004. The most notable change was the important concentration of birds identified in the north-west of the study area in 2016.
The report also presents and discusses the baseline dataset of a goose flight activity survey carried out at the same time as the main body of work.
Published: 2016
Pages: 60
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