NatureScot Commissioned Report 935 and 936 - Research on the use of wind farm visualisations by the public and decision-makers - Phase 1 - 2006 guidance - Phase 2 - 2014 guidance
We published revised guidance on the visual representation of wind farms in February 2017, providing an update to the versions released in 2006 and 2014.
In 2014 we commissioned research to look at how decision-makers and the public use visualisations. We did this in two waves:
- Phase 1 looked at applications made using the 2006 guidance
- Phase 2 looked at applications made using the 2014 guidance
Commissioned Report Nos. 935 and 936 present the results of the research, which was carried out by independent contractor WhyResearch Ltd.
The reports explore:
- which visualisations do users find most useful
- how these are viewed
- whether they’re viewed online
- whether the instructions for use are clear
The reports also examine whether the new methodology, published on this website in 2014, has made visualisations easier to use.
NatureScot Commissioned Report 935:Research on the use of wind farm visualisations by the public and decision-makers: Phase 1 - 2006 guidance.
Pages: 37
Published: 2016
NatureScot Commissioned Report 936: Research on the use of wind farm visualisations by the public and decision-makers: Phase 2 - 2014 guidance.
Pages: 48
Published: 2016
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