NatureScot Commissioned Report 896: Islay barnacle goose roost survey 2013/2014
This report describes work carried out to establish links between the roosting and feeding sites used by Greenland barnacle geese on Islay. Fieldwork was completed in the winter of 2013/2014.
The report confirms that the three Special Protection Areas (SPA) on the island remain the main roost sites used by barnacle geese. Some satellite roost sites were also identified and confirmed.
It also maps the main flyways that geese use to travel between the three SPA roosts and feeding areas. These linkages broadly correspond to those suggested by Percival in 1991.
It seems that barnacle geese are creatures of habit, using similar roosts, feeding areas and flyways year after year – even with a substantially increased population.
Published: 2016
Pages: 73
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