NatureScot Commissioned Report 889: Bean geese on the Slamannan Plateau: Monitoring report for 2013/2014
A wintering flock of taiga bean geese uses the Slamannan Plateau in Central Scotland as a roost site. This report describes the results of a study carried out from October 2013 to February 2014 to monitor the population.
Previously the Fannyside area of Slamannan Plateau had been the only roost area used by some of the birds for at least part of the winter. The monitoring work found that a number of the bean goose population were roosting at Darnrig Moss at times.
Darnrig Moss is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), owned and managed by a farmer sympathetic to the conservation of the bean geese. But it’s proposed that roosting taiga bean geese is added to the SSSI citation.
This report relates to the last winter of a NatureScot-funded Site Condition Monitoring programme spanning four winters. It sets out conclusions relating to winter 2013/2014 and to the entire four-winter period, plus recommendations for any future work.
Published: 2016
Pages: 41
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