NatureScot Commissioned Report 877 - Hazel gloves fungus (Hypocreopsis rhododendri) survey of mid Argyll
This survey aimed to identify key sites for the hazel gloves fungus in Mid Argyll, and record the characteristics and condition of these sites.
[Hazel Gloves] is one of the species associated with a diverse (species-rich), hyperoceanic variant of the Graphidion lichen community.
Though Scotland is a stronghold for the UK hazel gloves population, there are survey gaps within the known range of Scottish hazel gloves populations. Prior to the present study, Mid Argyll was markedly under surveyed.
In addition to searching for new locations for the hazel gloves fungus the study set out to identify areas:
- of suitable habitat for hazel gloves
- where remedial management is needed to ensure habitat continuity
- with good potential for habitat expansion
Only one new location for hazel gloves fungus was found.
The survey did identify a number of Atlantic hazel stands that support notable lichens of the Lobarion and Graphidion communities, however. Many of these populations were small and of questionable viability.
See also:
Annex 2: Recording guidelines and forms
Annex 3: Results Completed recording forms
Pages: 58
Published: 2016
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