NatureScot Commissioned Report 792: Marine Protected Area – related black guillemot surveys 2014

In order to obtain information to support work on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), black guillemots were surveyed at two sites in Scotland, East Caithness Cliffs and Clyde Sea Sill MPAs, from late March to April 2014. The data from these counts was then compared with counts collected in a similar manner for Seabird 2000.
1,589 birds were counted in the East Caithness Cliffs MPA. Of these 1,569 birds were in summer plumage, this was a 67% increase on the 939 counted in the same sections for Seabird 2000. On Sanda only 232 birds were counted, all in summer plumage, much lower than the 406 reported for Seabird 2000 and lower than the 339 counted in 2013.
Pages: 20
Published: 2014
NatureScot Commissioned Report 792
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