NatureScot Commissioned Report 762: Development of a surveillance scheme for priority fungi in Scotland
Understanding trends in fungus populations, ranges and habitat quality are principal requirements for conservation evaluations. Such evaluations are vital if we are to direct conservation resources to protect species that are in most urgent need of action. This report focuses on authentication of the taxonomy and locality status of fungi on the Scottish Biodiversity List, specifically on Scotland’s rare fungi and species belonging the group known as the tooth fungi. In addition, surveillance of fungi must also consider their hidden, below-ground, distribution. In order to inform development of future below-ground surveillance schemes, the below-ground distributions of a number of tooth fungi are examined in relation to their fruit bodies. The report concludes by recommending the next steps to develop and implement a surveillance programme for priority Scottish Biodiversity List fungi across Scotland.
Pages: 122
Published: 2014
NatureScot Commissioned Report 762
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