NatureScot Commissioned Report 760: North Cava Island and Karlsruhe horse mussel bed assessment

The aim of this project was to determine the extent and quality of a horse mussel bed situated to the north of Cava Island in Scapa Flow, Orkney. In addition, the study examined the horse mussel bed’s relationship with the protected archaeological wreck site of the SMS Karlsruhe. The biological diversity of the horse mussel bed was compared to other known beds of this species within Scottish and UK waters. The biodiversity assessment considered the results of in-situ scientific dive surveys (MNCR Phase 2 style) and from the laboratory analysis of clumps of horse mussels collected from this and other beds. Spot dive data and side-scan sonar data were used to fill-in distributional information and reference is also made to historical survey data.
Pages: 85
Published: 2014
NatureScot Commissioned Report 760
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