NatureScot Commissioned Report 738: Survey of marine features within the Luce Bay and Sands Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
This report presents results from a benthic survey carried out in Luce Bay (2012 and 2013) by drop-down video and grab sampling. In addition an intertidal survey of the honeycomb worm, Sabellaria alveolata was undertaken.
The most significant find was that of a large maerl bed in the mouth of the bay, where the coverage of live maerl ranged from 5 – 30 %. While reefs built by the honeycomb worm were known from previous surveys, this survey has mapped the extensive reefs along the eastern coast of the bay. The survey further improved our knowledge of the status and distribution of seabed habitats and species within the SAC, which will assist NatureScot, JNCC and MSS to establish a well-managed, coherent network of protected areas in Scotland’s seas.
Pages: 223
Published: 2014
NatureScot Commissioned Report 738
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