NatureScot Commissioned Report 635: Golspie dunes: Coastal erosion options appraisal

NatureScot commissioned the University of Glasgow, to investigate the historical and recent changes to the Golspie dunes. The Options Appraisal outlines the potential impacts of various approaches on the adjacent coast and designates sites. Over the last 134 years, the upper beach (MHWS) in the northern section has eroded at an average rate of up to 0.5m/yr and the southern section has retreated at an average rate up to 1.5m/yr. The Golspie dunes are experiencing coastal erosion partly as a function of natural factors such as storm waves, sea level rise and reduction in natural coastal sediment supply but also as a result of coastal erosion protection measures emplaced to the north which have reduced the southward supply of sediment to the coast. The authors’ recommendations centre on a beach recharge scheme to reinstate a natural gravel beach ridge targeted on the key areas at risk from erosion and wave over wash leading to flooding.
Pages: 44
Published: 2013
NatureScot Commissioned Report 635
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