NatureScot Commissioned report 624: White-beaked dolphin and Risso’s dolphin click characteristics and the potential for classification and species identification

The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) has conducted visual and acoustic line-transect surveys for dolphins off the west coast of Scotland since 2003 using its dedicated research vessel, Silurian. Passive acoustic monitoring plays a key role in these surveys. This report describes newly-developed techniques to analyse white-beaked dolphin and Risso’s dolphin acoustic data collected from Silurian and from other survey platforms around the UK. The findings of this report demonstrate that passive acoustic monitoring could make a key contribution to the current requirement to understand the distribution of white-beaked and Risso’s dolphins in Scottish waters and help to identify sites for Marine Protected Areas.
Pages: 37
Published: 2013
NatureScot Commissioned report 624
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