NatureScot Commissioned Report 574: Biological analyses of underwater video from research cruises in Lochs Kishorn and Sunart, off the Mull of Kintyre and islands of Rum, Tiree and Islay, and in the Firth of Lorn and Sound of Mull approaches
This report is the results of the analysis of underwater videos and still photographic imagery collected during research cruises at seven locations: Loch Kishorn, Loch Sunart, the northern part of the Firth of Lorn including the approaches to the Sound of Mull, off the Mull of Kintyre and off the islands of Rum, Tiree and Islay in 2012. The principal aim was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of species and habitats of recognised conservation importance in sites of interest to the development of marine renewables and in wider Scottish waters, especially PMFs, but also taking cognisance of other importance measures.
Pages: 74
Published: 2013
NatureScot Commissioned Report 574
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