NatureScot Commissioned Report 564: Loch of Isbister and the Loons Site of Special Scientific Interest and Special Area of Conservation: National Vegetation Classification survey and Site Condition Monitoring of basin fen
This report provides results of an NVC survey of Loch of Isbister and the Loons SSSI/SAC in Orkney, which was carried out in summer 2012. The report describes the plant communities found and includes synoptic tables summarising the quadrat data collected. In total 36 NVC types and a further four potential new units and variants were identified from 114 quadrats sampled. The report also includes an assessment of the condition of the basin fen feature, comprising six of the NVC communities, and makes recommendations for future monitoring of grazing pressures and impacts at the site.
Pages: 97
Published: 2013
NatureScot Commissioned Report 564
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